Artists Registry

Brian Richards

Atlantic Highlands NJ United States

    Statement of Work

    The "Survivor Tree", a Callery pear tree, was planted on the original World Trade Center plaza in the 1970s. After 9/11 workers found the damaged tree in the wreckage, reduced to an eight foot stump. The tree was nursed back to health in a New York city park and grew to 30 feet tall. In March 2010 the tree was uprooted by severe storms, but it survived again, and was returned to the WTC site in December 2010.

    Following my first visit to the 9/11 Memorial on March 12, 2012 I made a 360 degree spherical panorama showing the Survivor Tree in the wider context of the rebuilding taking place - The "Survivor Tree" symbolises the power of natural recovery and nurturing together as a living, creative and cultural response to catastrophe.

    Weblink: Survivor Tree - 360 Spherical Panorama

    I hope to return periodically to continue this work and create an ongoing document of the tree and the memorial.


    My interest in photography began when I was young and was encouraged by my family who for my 13th birthday gave me a Zeiss Ikon Nettar folding camera. Over the years I have photographed people, places and the natural environment where I live, work or have travelled.