Artists Registry

Michael Lydon

Downers Grove IL United States

    Statement of Work

    Standing at seven feet tall, the powerful presence of Lydon’s iconic Hour glass painting consumes you with it’s Dali like presence. The spectator becomes instantly moved yet captivated by its powerful message regarding the urgency of world peace. With the fast paced ever changing world around us, “Its time we become one” and truly focus on loving one other, turning around all the negativity in the world, and taking care of our delicate ecosystem before its all to late. Like in an Hourglass.... time is slowly ticking away as it always has. But NOW with the accelerated advancement of our technology it seems we can do damage ten times as fast as we used too, but just as well as we can rapidly turn it around toward repair. Too many innocent people are dying due to ego driven wars fueled by ignorance and greed. We must all now take note of that EVERYDAY and take conscious steps toward a clean safe world of peace, love, and harmony. The more each of us consciously choose this way of thinking, the sooner it will dominate the totality of the consciousness of our universe and become a reality.

    Help resonate that message with this powerful image that says it all. Lydon’s Hour glass painting titled “It’s Time we become one” is fast becoming an iconic sign of our times, just as famed artist Shepard Fariy’s “Obama HOPE” image, the smiley face, and the peace sign of the sixties. You will soon be able to purchase stickers, posters, t-shirts, and prints, and begin spreading this urgent positive global message of hope for a better tomorrow.

    Planet earth is ONE, it is our home. Just as the universe, people, and all things in it are one as well. As long as we continue to think we’re different from each other.... we will continue to slowly self-destruct ourselves. Think of the world as ONE giant diamond filled with many bright, beautiful facets.
    Why is that so hard to see?

    A new consciousness is rising globally! Are you a part of it?

    Michael Lydon, 2010

    To find out more about my work, go to