Artists Registry

Linda Sgoluppi

Northampton United Kingdom

    Statement of Work

    Corpus Series
    The real message that came out of the events surrounding the destruction of New York’s Twin Towers wasn’t one intended by the perpetrators. The real message was all the expressions of love, it was moving and showed the best of humanity. The corpus paintings are my expression of love for that love.

    A photograph taken by a New York Fireman of the Twin Towers wreckage showed a strange beauty in the terrible destruction. The photograph catalogued twisted girders and daubed paint marks indicating the location of body parts. It made me realise I could make paintings that were a requiem for those that lost their lives but never lost the love expressed that day.

    Some two years after the paintings were finished, I visited New York and saw ‘ground zero’ for myself. Most of writings on the message wall were messages of love. Terror was not the strongest message.


    I’m slowly un-painting myself, until only the art remains as record of the journey.

    I'm a visual artist and live & work in England.