Artists Registry

Bob McNeil

Hollis NY United States


    Bob McNeil
    P.O. Box 144, Hollis, NY 11423,, 347-752-7603


     Autumn ‘88 “Anita” – Odessa Poetry Review - Missouri
     Spring ’91 “Inner-City Blues” – Psychopoetica - England
     Annum ’91 “Serving Man” – Galiens Press – New York
     1993-2003 Myriad Poems – The BLACFAX Journal – New York
     Winter ’93 Myriad Poems – Kola - Canada
     Winter ’93 “Proud to Fail” – Psychopoetica - England
     Winter ’93 “To Jamaica’s Bobbie Burns” – Real News - Philadelphia
     Summer ’94 “Thoughts of You in the Noonday Sun” – Poet - Oklahoma
     Spring ’95 Myriad Poems – Kola – Canada
     Annum ’95 Myriad Poems – Vega Press – New York
     Annum ’96 “Blood Lover’s Lament” – Kuumba – California
     Spring ’99 “Anita” – Innisfree Press – New Jersey
     Annum ’99 “Of Dilettantes and Dreamers” – Street News – New York
     2004-2012 Myriad Poems – Our Times - New York
     Autumn ’09 “Some sort of lament” – Mobius – New York
     2008- 2010 Three Poems – Chiron Review – Kansas
     Autumn ’10 “Haiti” – Yetunde Ruban - England
     Winter ‘11 “Rapping You with the Facts” – Phati’tude – NY
     Summer ’11 “Sword of Words” – Crescendo City – NY


     Annum ’01 The Nubian Gallery, A Poetry Anthology - BLACFAX
    Publications – New York
     Annum ’03 Secular Sacraments - BLACFAX Publications – New York


    ’95-2003 Poetry Editor – BLACFAX Publications – New York
    ’08- 2009 Documentary Producer – Still Here, Harlem Productions - NY



     Summer ‘02 “The Express Train to Love” – MM Publications, Ltd. – New York
     Annum ‘07 “Jailed Lovebirds” – New Wave Press, Inc. - New York
     Summer ’08 “Her New York Knight” – New Wave Press, Inc. – New York
     Spring ’09 “Train to Titillation Station” – New Wave Press, Inc. – New York
     Winter ’11 “From the Mezzanine” – Our Times - New York


     Annum ’92 Theater on the Edge - Actor – Hunter College, New York
     1992-1994 The New Press – Featured Poet – New York
     Spring 1995 A Different Light Bookstore – Featured Poet – New York
     Spring 1995 Giovanni’s Room – Featured Poet – Philadelphia
     Spring 1995 Barnes and Noble – Featured Poet – New York
     Summer ’95 Harlem Branch Library – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter 2003 W.B.A.I. FM Radio – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter 2004 The Afrikan Poetry Theatre, Inc. – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter 2004 Brooklyn Public Library – Featured Poet - New York
     Spring 2004 Grace Congregational Church of Harlem – Orator – New York
     Autumn ’04 New York Public Library – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter 2005 East Orange Public Library – Featured Poet – New Jersey
     Spring 2006 The Queens Borough Public Library – Featured Poet – New York
     2007 - 2008 QPTV – Featured Performer – New York
     Spring 2008 Martin Van Buren High School – Featured Poet – New York
     Summer ‘08 The Afrikan Poetry Theatre, Inc. – Featured Poet – New York
     Autumn ’08 W.B.A.I. FM Radio – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter ’09 Brooklyn Public Library – Moderator - New York
     Annum ’09 QPTV – Featured Performer – New York
     Summer ’09 – Featured Performer – New York
     Summer ’09 International African Arts Festival – Featured Performer – NY
     Summer ’09 Harlem Book Fair – Featured Performer- New York
     Autumn ’09 East Orange Public Library – Featured Poet – New Jersey
     Autumn ’09 A Book Fair – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter ’10 Brooklyn Public Library - Featured Poet – New York
     Spring ’10 Cable Access Stations – Featured Poet – New York
     Summer ’10 Harlem Book Fair – Host – New York
     Summer ’10 Two Steps Down – Host – New York
     Winter ’10 The New York Public Library – Host – New York
     Winter ’11 The Newburgh Free Library – Featured Poet – New York
     Spring ’11 The Afrikan Poetry Theatre, Inc. – Featured Poet – New York
     Summer ’11 Harlem Book Fair – Host – New York
     Summer ’11 The Hudson Park Library – Featured Poet – New York
     Autumn ’11 The South Beach Library – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter ’11 The Soundview Library – Featured Poet - New York
     Winter ’12 The Harlem Library – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter ’12 The Countee Cullen Library – Featured Poet – New York
     Winter ’12 The Afrikan Poetry Theatre, Inc. – Guest Poet – New York
     Spring ’12 Queens College – Featured Poet – New York
     Summer ’12 The Baychester Library – Featured Poet – New York

    References available upon request.