Artists Registry

Alan Rymarczyk

Katowice United States

    Statement of Work

    The way of all flesh is the intricate, full of unforeseeable events and difficult for interpretation tale. Every day, heroes of millions of stories enter next paths marking out by Fortune. Even though the Woman attired in the black coat remains the inherent element of our life, we cannot resign ourselves that people depart to the unknown. Even harder it comes to understand mortals who want to deprive the Lord of the Universe of His hold over beings roaming here below and distorting the reality, to enter the Hell, tearing hearts of Thousands and changing their existence into the ruins of happiness, reason and balance.
    Eleven years ago, on eleventh day of September, the dark recesses of psyche, leading the Planet Earth to the extermination, have been heard. No one and nothing is able to redress that, what happened. However, do not let the heroes of that morning go, revering their memory and bringing the warm memories back. Thanks to that they will remain on a stage of the theatre of life.


    A native of Katowice, Upper Silesia, studying German philology at the University of Silesia speaks also Polish and English fluently. Author for a number of short stories, being concerned in the issues important, now and then to the community of Earthlings.