Artists Registry

Chris Miller

Amherst NY United States

    Statement of Work

    Creativity is one of life’s greatest entities, with it; you have the capability of constructing a reflection of what is inside your mind without restraints.


    After leaving the world of art to pursue a bachelors degree in engineering, Chris realized that he had very little outlet for expressionism and has since returned to finish what he started.

    Born and raised in Buffalo, NY. Chris is an all-in-one musician, artist, and engineer. Graduating from Clarkson University in May of 2008, Chris has ascended into corporate America.

    As an artist, Chris utilizes concepts that question the capabilities of ones mind. His use of perspective to create pieces of art not only tells stories, but, contains modern twists. "Creativity is one of the greatest entities that life offers, through it, I can make the world as I want it to be and escape from life for a few moments; the mind has no limitations. Therefore, create yourself".

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