Artists Registry

Sally Rahman

Staten Island NY United States

    Statement of Work

    Sally Rahman Art

    Driven by her passion for art and taking inspiration from her Egyptian background; FIT graduate Sally Rahman displays a variety of genres in her artwork that emphasizes many aspects of 'heritage'. Inspired by her ethnic and religious upbringing , Sally's art conveys the aesthetic pleasures of life. She creates a diverse series of work that have a classical essence with a modernized style to it.

    Sally brings her images to life with her florescent and vivid color palettes using mediums such as acrylic,water color and color dyes. Her combination of warm and cool color palettes creates a pleasurable image for her audience to gaze into. When creating her artwork; the 22 year old Egyptian-American tends to lean towards subjects of nature, beauty, femininity and more importantly 'culture'.

    Being born a first generation Egyptian-American in her family; the word culture had a deeper significance in her home. The word 'culture' in her home meant something worth more valuable than the purist diamond ever found. In her family, culture means 'identity'. Not to be thought as in a stereotypical way, but rather identifying your roots, your uniqueness, your history, your values and identifying your individuality.

    In her final year of her bachelors program at FIT, Sally's senior thesis project concentrated on the theory of art as a language. Her 3 dimensional, 4 sided painting titled “Sanctuary” displayed images of ancient Egyptian and Islamic art and lines from her favorite poet Rumi, that helped give her final student masterpiece a monumental and spiritual vibe to those who approach it. Her piece related to different cultural and political life issues; specifically issues that were going on in the middle east at the time.

    Along with her enthusiasm for art and history, Sally's senior thesis had pushed her to pursue a career in Museum Curating; a career choice in wish she stated would allow her to help maintain the many iconic artifacts of her cultural history and others to live on and educate future generations to appreciate and inspire their creative minds.

    The artist states - “As someone who has a great passion and a distinct knowledge for art; I deeply believe it is important to help maintain the arts and have it remain strongly significant in our culture and education. John F Kennedy once said, “It is art that nourishes the roots of our culture”. Having studied art as my main focus for many years, I find that statement to be the root of my focus”
