Artists Registry

Gonzalo Gurrea Ysasi

Valencia Spain

    Statement of Work

    I'm from Spain, but last April I stayed in New York for the first time in my life and, because of my visit to 11S Memorial, I could make this video as a personal tribute with the pictures I shot there.

    In my video I wanted to remark the feeling of hope after falling.I hope you like it.


    Gonzalo Gurrea Ysasi, born in Valencia (Spain) in 1979.
    Doctor in Industrial Engineering by Polytechnical University of Valencia.
    Though audiovisual world was a hobby for him initially, the awards received by some of his amateur shortfilms took him to focus on cinema and start specific studies, making a Workshop in Film Direction in ESCAC (Escola de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya), a Direction Course in DeArmasfilms and a Documentary Course by Lilian Rosado.

    - Nominated for Best Picture of Jose Luis Cuerda in X Edition of Notodofilmfest in 2012 with "Vendetta".
    - Nominated for Best Documentary at the X Edition of Notodofilmfest 2012 with "Los ojos de Dante".
    - Short film “Un minuto de paz” showed on TVE (Spanish Television).
    - Commercials for Psicotrade and Valencia Acoge Association.
    - Finalist of the IX Edition of Notodofilmfest in 2011 with the short film "Bestia".
    - Week Talent in the Short Film Festival of “El País” in 2007 with the short film "Esfuerzos demenciales".

    My works in: