Artists Registry

Racquel Cruz

Apopka FL United States

    Statement of Work

    My name is Racquel Cruz, Founder of the site Artist’s Square: . I moved 2 weeks to New York before this tragedy and shared the mourning of this great big city!! My intentions and dreams moving there were big, but 911 changed the course of my life and for everyone else. I would trade 911 in place of my dreams if this was possible, but it is not. All I can do is express my deepest sympathy to everyone, America, and the whole world for this day. It had an impact on everyone.

    When I wrote this poem (On This Day ~ In Honor of 911~) all I could do is think about the many hearts and lives there were broken, confused, sad and scared at the time. It more than made me cry. It made me want to stand strong and be the strength of the people. I wanted and needed to share my thoughts with the world. But little did the people know who caused these tragic things --- know about America!! I was astounded by this big and extraordinary movement that stirred inside of me and everyone else. We KNEW it was OUR DUTY as citizens of this country to unite. No one had to tell us this. We just knew... We were healing and rebuilding together. Being part of this rebuilding I wanted to write something to express what I felt and what I saw around me. I wanted America to see that we were gathering strength in numbers and to be part of this, was telling everyone to hold their heads up. THEY will never win this one and America will forever remember our loved ones. Why? ---- Because Americans believe it’s possible to fall. --- We DON’T believe in failing. We fight and get tired. --- We DON’T believe in giving up –We hurt. ---- We DO believe in healing… We LOVE each other in unity. We showed the world how much we value human life despite our beliefs, religion, or anything else that tried to get in our way. We showed the world through our example that unity is STRONG and CONTAGIOUS. It is our army. And in return, the world showed their support to us. Those remembered on this day would NOT want anything less. Their spirits are still the foundation of Ground Zero and will remain forever. Just visit there. They are the wind that blows there in their angel’s flight. They whisper thoughts of remembrance, love and unity…