Artists Registry

Leonard D'Aoust

Taylor MI United States

    Statement of Work

    Our Father (artist. former Korean Vet) was asked, by their church (in Michigan) on THE DAY of 9-11, to create a piece of art to memorialize that tragic day. He managed to create a piece of art that not only signified the despair but to bring out the exact emotions of that day (I invite you to look into the subjects eyes) in one afternoon ON 9-11-2001 and was then able to present it to the church that very afternoon. Matter of fact, it was his aim to have it ready for the 7:00pm mass, that day. He finished and delivered it to the church at 6:55pm. There's 3 images. The Twin Towers, The Pentagon and the field where the last plane went down. The eyes of Jesus say exactly how our Father felt while he was creating this work of art.

    Our Father passed away on May 13 2011 (Friday the 13th), at home, after battling leukemia for 3 months. This illness came out of nowhere. He thought it was the flu that he couldn't shake until he went to the Hospital and found out the truth. Because of his advanced age, bone marrow transplant and Kimo was not an option. It took our Father, and the families Grandfather/Great-grandfather, in just those short three months. He went from this strong, I can do anything myself man, to a whisper of what he once was and there was NOTHING our family could do but watch it happen. In his last minutes, his wife of 54 yrs and his daughter, Renee, were both there to see him off. Other family members were resting in the living room, including his brother Cliff, but was not told in time. He went quickly. It didn't hit many of us until after his passing. It seemed(s) so surreal.

    The family has taken that very same art work and had it copyrighted, to protect his honor, but it is our family's' intentions and hopes to present his work to the New Twin Towers Museum during their opening ceremonies to memorialize not only a great piece of emotional art, but our Fathers' work for all to see for all times and to do justice and honor to this great man/father/grandfather/great-grand father that we all so miss!!
    *Thanks again, Andrea, for helping me make this come true. You Rock!!