Artists Registry

Karol Rac

Assesse Belgium

    Statement of Work

    I am a young designer from Belgium. The catastrophe of September 11 made ​​me much trouble, that is why I am very attached to join the community. Draw in response to this tragedy is my way of giving homage to the victims.
    I think that the 9/11 Memorial is a beautiful way to honor this tragic event happened a few years ago.


    Well, I will first introduce myself. I am of Polish origin. Right now I live in Belgium and I plan to join the Belgian army in the butts to help people in need. I'm not very good at English so please excuse me for the mistakes.

    I was eight years old when the disaster of September 11th is coming. The images I've seen in the press and on TV was horrible! Over the years I have felt that I have a huge need to do some thing to pay homage to the victims of 9/11. For now I do not have the means to go to New York so I think I could pay tribute drawing. When I look at the list of all the victims, I ask myself a question: Why are all these people? ... We do not know forget such a tragedy in any case I would not. Draw for this website relieves my heart, but still not enough.

    God bless United States of America.

    Rac Karol, Jr.