Artists Registry

Marcos Brinson
    Statement of Work

    Marcos Brinson is a flight attendant who like so many, lost friends and colleagues on 9/11. This is his 9/11 Tribute Single. All profits from the sale of the single go to the Twin Towers Orphan Fund. Search Marcos Brinson on iTunes or Amazon MP3 or


    People speak of one moment that defines a direction in their life's journey that leads to a blending of the creative and the spiritual. And so it is for Marcos Brinson and his musical inevitability. "If singing is what I am going to do with my life, it's now".

    With a confidence and graciousness surpassing his years he shares so much of his spirit with us via his musical honesty whether it be with an impromptu audience or performing at esteemed venues such as the International Music and Film Festival, Amateur Night at the Apollo Theater, the U.S. Open and the one-year anniversary event of September 11, 2001 in Washington Square Park in N.Y.C

    In this world of ever-changing technology, where the Internet moves at record-breaking speeds, Marcos transcends trappings of modern conventionality and reminds us of what's real and true in a most heart-felt manner. His pop voice and his original compositions reflect a honesty, a certain vulnerability and integrity of spirit that is sometimes lost in this fast-paced world of ours.

    "I was nervous. Singing for all those people...after all, it's the 9/11 tribute. A sacred moment. Were you there? It was emotional. I decided to sing, 'Imagine', John Lennon's iconic song." To Marcos, it seemed to be the perfect song for the solemn, unifying moment.

    He's ready.

    Sound checks have been done.

    Other performers have shared and lent their talents to the occasion.

    "I start to sing and what happens? The sound system fails. Everyone is just...waiting. What can I do?" Marcos does what comes naturally. Calm and smooth. Professional under pressure. He sings 'Imagine' acapella - just Marcos, his voice, singing for thousands - those present and those who are a vivid memory in our hearts. His singing is his gift that blossoms when shared.

    "I knew, in this moment, this is what I am meant to do".