Artists Registry

Philip Hardaker

stoke on Trent United Kingdom


    My name is Philip Hardaker born in Harrogate North Yorkshire in 1954. Attended staffs university , graduating in fine art sculpture in 1977 . Then studied fine art ceramics at the Royal College of art ,London with an MA in 1980 . I am now based at my 17 th century house and studio in Stoke on Trent Stafford shire , England . My 30 year work in progress has been involved mainly in education and community work . Working in schools , hospitals, health centres . University's , public buildings and with community groups . Completing hundreds of commissioned art works for public space with over 40OOO participants , mainly children. Throughout this time I have continued to create my own one off artworks. Relating to world political issues , ecology and environment , anti war sentiments. Celebration of humanity and individuals , and a quest of tolerance, racial equality and world peace. This is where my artworks relating to 9/11 come into the picture . I have contributed 4 works to the 9/11 artist registry which gives a wider timescale of the history and heritage of before , during , and after the event . After visiting the memorial site in may 2013 , I was moved into sharing my work to the memorial museum . In England I have constantly worked with many different races and religions of people , bringing children, communities , together . Working in harmony with all people together on artwork to create tolerance , understanding in peace . I would love and relish the opportunity to bring my knowledge and wealth of experience over to America to contribute a permanent artwork towards the 9/11 memorial museum or the city of New York . Because I feel we must all work towards creating a peaceful world particularly since 9/11 . And we must all celebrate and contribute to the incredible achievement of the memorial site and museum . Philip Hardaker. 2013.