Artists Registry

Louis Riccio

waretown NJ United States

    Statement of Work

    "Never Forget," is the title of my painting, an 18 x 21 oil on hardboard. The image of the firefighter was an actual photo of one of the firefighters on the scene on that ill-fated day. I incorporated the burning tower and oncoming second airplane behind him so that all could be remembered through his gaze and our feelings, forever. I was moved and touched as all Americans were and especially being a Korean War veteran, serving as a medic in that War. I can never forget and my painting stands as a tribute to that and for all Americans and decent minded people


    attended Art Instruction School-New York City, then 3 years at Commercial Art & Illustration, freelance illustrator, outdoor sign painter at O'melia Outdoor Advertising- New Jersey,and the Newark School of Fine Art under the tutelage of John Grabach. Accomplishments- two national awards at the Audubon Society, New York City, Signature member of Audubon Society & Noves Museum, New Jersey, AAPL Award member, a Who's Who in American Art. Working meduims- oil, water color, pencil, pen & ink. Subject matter- portraits, still life and landscapes. Louis felt obliged to paint his rendition of 911 to show the face of our emotion and so that we may never forget it!