Artists Registry

Carrie Schwabenland

Fresno CA United States

    Statement of Work

    In one evening I wrote the article, "Fallen soldiers will always be remembered". The notion came over me, as I had not thought of writing anything. The picture was also not planned. I think it was my way of processing the events that took place. I gave the picture of the Buchanan Bear as gifts to some of the families who lost their loved ones. As I was unable to reach all of those families, I created a website where anyone in the community could obtain the picture for free; at

    Below are the thoughts I had when creating the picture of the Buchanan Bear:

    "Braver than the Average" depiction was inspired by our young men of Buchanan High School who gave their lives for our country.

    The concept of the depiction is this:

    The Bear goes across the oceans and seas and many foreign lands with the power of our Country, the United States of America and the power of Heaven. The Bear rules the day and the night for the good fight of freedom and God Almighty arms them with courage, strength, honor and victory.

    My name is Carrie Schwabenland


    Local hobbyist artist and mother of student of Buchanan High School who was friend of fallen soldier, Anthony "Tony" Butterfield in Clovis, California. Artist of Original Depiction of "Braver than the Average Bear" picture and writer of the Article "Fallen Soldiers Will Always be Remembered. Artist and Owner of website "Love My Heart Picture Art" at