Artists Registry

Trisch Lagana

Gladstone NJ United States

    Statement of Work

    The project began with great excitement and trepidation. This group of students was around the age of three on September 11, 2001. We all knew someone who had died in the attacks. My goal was to lead them through a reflective process of research and discovery. We focused on what was there, what happened, and what had occurred since. Ultimately, each of these factors allowed us to create a painting that would be a powerful testament to how we are impacted by the events of 9/11 and it's aftermath.

    The chief architect at Emory Roth & Sons, Minoru Yamasaki's visionary design was incredibly powerful and through events became ironic. His quote regarding the purpose of the World Trade Center was so profound it was displayed in it's entirety on the twin towers in our painting. Also recorded on the towers are the numbers of lives lost on that fateful day. Each of the buildings that fell on 9/11 is represented in lower Manhattan. A fire engine is permanently parked outside the twin towers.

    As you move north through the city different areas and landmarks are playfully represented. A chinese dragon is flying down the West Side Highway. The bull is lose on Wall Street. The entrance to the Holland Tunnel reminds us to stay in our own lane. There is a chess piece in Washington Square Park. The Brooklyn Bridge rises up proudly to meet us. The Chrysler Building shines. The Empire State Building glows red, white, and blue.

    Significant events of the decade are recorded chronologically in the river as one would record them on a scroll. They flow down the river and into the past where they become memories. The USS New York made from tons of steel from the World Trade Center arrives in town. Written on this vessel are the numbers of military who have died or been injured in the decade since 9/11. The Miracle on the Hudson has also landed ever so gracefully in the river. It is all there. Recorded. We have witnessed it and commemorated all of it. This is our visual story. This is life in the most exciting and inspiring city, New York City.


    Born 1967 in Kalamazoo, Michigan

    1990 B.S. Finance DePaul University, Chicago, IL

    1992 moved to New York City

    While working in the city for a trading company I took classes once a week at The World Trade Center. Walking through those buildings was an awe-inspiring experience. They had a pulse created by the sheer number of people hurrying about with determination and purpose. The lobbies were so massive that you felt you were present with thousands of people at the same time. They were their own city, a regular beehive of constant activity. I felt a rush of adrenaline every time I walked through there and a proud sense that I was part of the hive. When my husband and I would commute out of the city I would look up as we passed by the twin towers. The sheer mass and volume of these white structures shooting up defiantly into the sky was striking and overpowering.

    1995-1998 studied drawing, painting, sculpture and art history at The New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, New York City and The International School of Art, Montecastello di Vibio, Italy

    2013 The New York Studio School Alumni Association Exhibition juried by Dr. Tracy Fitzpatrick, Mr. Colin Thompson and Mr. Raul Zamudio

    1999-2014 completed both individual works and several collaborative projects with kids while raising seven children with my husband. We are at home in Gladstone, New Jersey.