Artists Registry

Bastardi Di Blues

Munstergeleen Netherlands

    Statement of Work

    ‘The Falling Man’ by Bastardi Di Blues is an instrumental tribute to the people who jumped or fell fom the WTC Towers on September 11, 2001. The song was inspired by a picture, taken by pressphotographer Richard Drew just after 9.41 pm on that fateful morning, of one of the many 'jumpers' on September 11th. This image was the subject of a famous essay that journalist Tom Junod wrote in 2003 about 'The Falling Man'. This iconic image went around the world and... disappeared. Nobody wanted to see it anymore. The falling man in the picture became, wrote Junod, ‘the Unknown Soldier in a war whose end we have not yet seen’. A theologian wrote that ‘perhaps the most powerful image of despair at the beginning of the 21st century is not found in art, literature or music, but in a single picture’. In 2010 Bastardi Di Blues started the first sketches for 'The Falling Man’, their first song based on a photograph, an article and a deep sense of empathy with 'the jumpers' of that day. A video teaser on YouTube yielded positive responses and the band further experimented with ambient sounds and audiofragments of news broadcasts from 9 /11. In the summer of 2011, the final version of ‘The Falling Man’ was recorded, mixed and mastered in the Cloud Nine studio in Sittard (Netherlands), while an accompanying video was produced.


    ‘The Falling Man’ by Bastardi Di Blues is an instrumental tribute to the people who jumped or fell off the WTC Towers on September 11, 2001. The song was inspired by a picture, taken by pressphotographer Richard Drew just after 9.41 pm on that fateful morning, of one of the many 'jumpers' on September 11.