Artists Registry

Avi Kenan


    Statement of Work

    Dedicating my life to the demanding work of sculpture and everything around it, the message I always wanted to propagate comes down to world Peace and Harmony. I have done my outmost to reach peoples minds and hearts through my work. Attempting to pass the message of peace, to open the eyes of my fellow human beings, who are so occupied with their daily grind and routine, as an incentive to attain the things that really matter in life! Some of my statues are a direct protest against any type of violence and of course war, against the suffering and ordeals which hamper the spiritual harmony and inner peace.

    Naturally, as an Artist, I protest against the suffering of all people in the World. My biggest concern has always been the message of tolerance and peace, which I passed on to thousands, perhaps millions of my contemporaries through my exhibitions in many countries.
    At the same time, I tried to 'Freeze' the most beautiful moments in life through series such as 'Ballet', 'Flying Horses', Musicians' and other creations that convey an ever renewing dynamism.

    I am grateful for being endowed with the capability of expressing myself directly through my sculptures and of bringing enjoyment and hope to others. Honoured to have success from the first day I arrived to Europe, and to have recognition in my art, such as being received by His Holiness Jean Paul II at the
    Vatican, by Royalties and by all the interesting people that I met. Their and Your appreciation is the energy for my Art.