Artists Registry

Donald G. Gunn

Groton CT United States

    Statement of Work

    IX, XI, MMI by Donald G. Gunn
    Mixed media on Masonite board ( 2Foot by 4 Foot)

    Inspiration for this painting came from the events of September 11, 2001. I was less than a mile away from the Pentagon when the terrorists crashed the plane into it. The terrorists attacks turned our country upside down: hence our flag is turned upside down. In addition, flags flown upside down are an international sign of distress. The rectangles represent the Twin Towers and the pentagon is self explanatory. The Roman numerals, normally etched in the cornerstones of buildings, mark the laying of the cornerstone of terrorist's attacks upon our country [IX(9), XI(11), MMI[(2001).The Pentagon shrouds three stars in the star field representing the three states attacked that infamous day: New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. I often relive that day after all these years.


    Donald G Gunn is an a ward winning artist, a versatile poet. and a [published magazine writer and photographer. Donald writes poetry in many different forms from a classical as well as a personal point of view.. His high school English, Mrs Milnar, is responsibility for his love of poetry and specifically Shakespeare. Don is a member of the Connecticut Poetry society. He is presently planning on self-publishing his poetry in the Fall.
    Donald retired from BAE Systems(British Aerospace Engineering) in 2003 as a Senior Systems Engineer on the Ballistic Missile Submarine program after 39 years in support of the US effort in the Cold War.r In his last ten years , he was the Project Manager installing and testing non-tactical LAN systems on Trident Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines.

    After high school, Don joined the US Navy and served as an Electronic Technician in the submarine service. He served five years , first on a WWII diesel boat and ;eventually served on a "FBM nuclear submarine. He was responsible for a wide variety of sophisticated electronics used for for submarine navigation. He holds an Associate Degree in Business(Mitchell Cokllege0; a Bachelors Degree in Management Science(University of Connecticut and a Masters Degree In Industrial (Engineering University of New Haven). He was recently inducted into his high school Hall of Fame
    for lifetime achievement.. Donald continues to broaden his artistic knowledge by attending drawing classes every week.