Artists Registry

Franz Lorenz

Bischofsheim United States

    Statement of Work

    It took some time till I found the right words for this images and I decided to show them here and create a new series of images on my website

    A few days ago I visit a friend in New York. After I had booked the flight ticket, I became aware that I will be in New York for the 15th anniversary of 9/11, and also stay quite near to Ground Zero.

    I remember the coverage in the news 15 years ago of this terrible event, but somehow it was very far away for me. Well, I was also 15 years younger.

    Now, today, when I visited the square with the Memorial, I could feel a very special mood and atmosphere, that really touched me emotionally. Both, the memorial and the museum, are really worthy prayerful. Not loud, no exaggerated, but powerful to honour all those who were lost, as well as those who worked so hard to get the city through that terrible trial.

    Standing at the reflecting pools, reading all the names, see all the people come together to honour all the victims concernes me in a very emotional way. And suddenly I was somehow directly touched. Touched mainly in despite of all the grief and great sorrow but also of getting a feeling of “being together”. I feel a cohesion not only in the pain, but also in the coherence for reconstruction and a powerful solidarity. People from all over the world gathered at this place 15 years ago to help and come together today to honour all those who were lost and who worked so hard together.

    Such a great sadness, that only a great tragic event makes people hold together, no matter about the age, race, ethnicity and nationality. Those become completely irrelevant and everyone is a part of the community. Why can this not happen in good times?


    At the beginning my BLOG was designed to be a special travel blog with pictures in Photo Art. By the time this BLOG gets bigger and bigger, and today not only pictures in art-photograpy are placed but also pictures that captures special moments and unique experiences.
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