Artists Registry

Paul Intravaia

Carbondale IL United States

    Statement of Work

    As the events of September 11, 2001 occurred, my family and I watched in disbelief and horror. Every anniversary, we make time to watch, listen, and pray in remembrance. As a musician (percussionist), composer, educator, and a paramedic, I felt I could honor those that gave their lives’ with a musical composition that has a movement dedicated to each branch of first responder’s.

    The musical work is simply titled “911.” It is in three movements and written for multiple percussion. Movement I “EMS” is written for marimba. Movement II “Fire” is written for Timpani. And Movement III “Police” is written for snare drum.


    Paul Intravaia, holds a M.M. of Theory and Composition from Southern Illinois University, a M.A. in Percussion Performance from Radford University, and is a licensed Paramedic.

    His experience as an educator encompasses thirty-three years, and is currently Faculty at John A. Logan College.

    He has performed with The Paducah Symphony Orchestra, The McLeod Summer Playhouse, The Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra, The Roanoke Symphony Orchestra, The New River Pops, professional recording sessions, as well as regional live performances in musical groups encompassing several different genres.

    As a composer, he has written over one hundred pieces, predominantly for percussion, and a symphony.

    Paul has worked as an Emergency Medical Technician and a Paramedic in Illinois, and Virginia in both the volunteer and paid professional capacities.