Artists Registry

George Overhiser

Wynnewood NY United States

    Statement of Work

    I love the translate what I see into two dimensions or three dimensions. I gain new personal insights from execution of this work. interpretations of others. I also enjoy the craft of production both in small details and more broad expressions. The root of this work is my experience at Ground Zero on 9/11. I escaped the South Tower of The World Trade Center after the second terrorist plane struck. I witnessed the collapse of the building from three and one half blocks away. The terrorist attack was a world changing carnage that occurred suddenly but with devastating ongoing impact. My being there forever changed my existence. As I continue to learn how this event affected me, I cope with new insights through execution of these works. The 20 years since the events of 9/11 have brought many cathartic reactions and perceptions for me. As an example, my most recent piece, in black and white oil on stainless steel, not only captures the dark side of the carnage of 9/11, but also the life giving steps, in my case, that I descended for 61 floors to exit the building


    Dartmouth College. BA in Visual Studies and Urban Studies, 1977. cum laude. Adelbert Ames Fine Art Award. University of Pennsylvania. Master of Architecture, 1982. Paul Philippe Cret Award.