Artists Registry

Deborah Joan Jones

Clearwater FL United States

    Statement of Work

    On the morning of 9/11 I was recording in a studio session in Central London. The session did not go well and I decided to end off early. It's so strange to say it but there was actually just a strange air of something being very wrong. It wasn't anything I could put my finger on from a technical standpoint, but there was weirdly and noticeably too much negativity in the room. I left the studio sometime around late morning/early afternoon to make the journey by train to my home in South London. At that time I was not aware of what had happened, having seen or heard no news coverage. However, the atmosphere everywhere I went in Central London that day was this same strange negativity and actually held an air of eerie panic. I knew now something was very wrong. The trains were too full of people for that time of day, most had concerned frowns on their faces. I gave in to my intuition and called a friend and was told the news. At this point, the first tower only had been hit, but even in the early stages of what would unravel to be more catastrophic than is conceivable, the air was filled with concern. This tragedy was felt thousands of miles away across the shores in my hometown. The memory of the disbelief, dread and agony whilst watching the news coverage that day, still quickly brings tears to my eyes, a lump to my throat and a heaviness to my core. As an artist I know my job is to inspire and uplift others through my art. It is my duty to create, using this ability, to find and speak the words that others feel in their hearts but cannot express, to speak on behalf of those who can no longer speak for themselves and it is not just my duty but an honor. My poem, 'One World', expresses both the heartache and pain of that day, and the hope for the future, in that we experienced that we truly are united, we are truly one world. And though there may be evil forces present, the majority of us are good; are loving, honest, decent people, who seek only to make a beautiful, sane, happy world for all.


    Deborah Joan Jones is an English/Irish writer, artist, actress, designer and singer/songwriter. She resides in Clearwater, Florida with her family. Her American husband is from New Jersey and they have four children. She is a published poet, a prolific writer and a classically trained vocalist, having recorded studio albums and given live performances of her own material. She makes live appearances at schools to share her poetry. She is the owner of her company Deborah Joan Jones, which incorporates her creativity through design, art, music as well as her other creative outlets. She is passionate about using her art as a communication tool to help others, to fuel peace, happiness and understanding throughout the world. She is a public speaker and has interests in the education and defending of Human Rights.