Artists Registry

Theresa Dutton

Auburn NY United States


    No art provided by this artist.

    Statement of Work

    To deal with the Tragedy of 9/11 I wrote this memorial. 

    In Memory of lives lost

    God has chosen a selected few, he reached out his hand and then he chose you.

    "Come with me" he said, I will dry your tears, give you love, I will erase your fears. 

    Hate and destruction was not in my plan, I've given you choices, I've done all I can.

    I will continue to take my Special Ones when I feel that their work on earth has been done."

    Some stood together, some stood alone when God called on them to take them home.

    Not one of you knew what was your fate, you were taught to love, destroyed by hate.

    You were a face in the crowd, a loved one, a friend. Your life filled with promise, only too soon to end.

    So now go in peace from a world torn apart-

    You're forever a memory etched in our hearts.

    God Bless you.