Artists Registry

Gail Lancaster

Santa Fe NM United States

    Statement of Work
    "Lest We Forget"
    Watercolor Painting by Gail B. Lancaster

    This watercolor painting is a contemporary response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. My husband and I visited Ground Zero in December 2001, only three months after the attack. Everything was still very raw then - a long line of trucks were removing debris. The St. Paul's Episcopal Church was a resting place for the First Responders. A chain link fence surrounding the Church became a makeshift location for memorials and photos on site.

    The overall feeling was one of quiet horror. Many people were there to see Ground Zero and pay respects, but barely a word was spoken, and then only in whispers.

    This painting is a response to what I saw and felt on the visit. In the painting, shadows of the Twin Towers rise up again in back of the Spire of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. In the foreground, memorials left at the site - prayer flags, t-shirts, handprints by school children and baseball caps hang on the surrounding fence in silent tribute to the victims.

    Remembering the 911 attacks in "Lest We Forget" is my way of honoring the victims, while reminding us of the high cost of preserving our heritage and freedom.




    Graduate of Purdue University, taught K-8 school art 16 years.

    Gail has exhibited in many national and international shows including National Watercolor Society's All Members Show, Rocky Mountain National, Pike Peaks International Watermedia Exhibition and Rhode Island National Watermedia completion. She is a signature member of the Colorado Watercolor Society and a member of the New Mexico Watercolor Society.


    1. DAR American Heritage Watercolor Contest, Washington D.C.

    2012 1st & 3rd place

    2. DAR Women in the Arts National Award


    3. Colorado Watercolor Society State Show

    2001 Best of Show

    4. Colorado Watercolor Society Annual Watermedia

    2001 two 1st place

    2006 2nd place

    Selected for numerous juried exhibitions local and national.