Artists Registry

Tsipi Ben-Haim

New York NY United States


    No art provided by this artist.

    Statement of Work


    Video Documentation by Joyce Sarner of The Forever Tall Mural Project (2001) produced by CITYarts and created by artist Hope Gangloff in collaboration with youth from the Manhattan School of Career Development, The Dwight School (International), the Cooper Union School and community residents at 35 Cooper Square in Manhattan. It is a colorful tribute to the people who were affected by September 11 and to those who work tirelessly to bring our lives to a better place.


    CITYarts engages youth with professional artists in the creation of public art, including murals and mosaics. Through this creative process, CITYarts empowers, educates, and connects youth and children locally and around the world to become active participants in realizing their potential and transforming communities.