Artists Registry

June Felter

Oakland CA United States

    Statement of Work

    Right after Sept 11, when volunteers had gone in there to help, I was watching it on TV, and noticed these little specks of orange. And I realized they were the helpers with their orange vests on. And it really just got me emotionally, like an intense optimistic sign of people tackling the gigantic job of helping in a scene of tragedy.


    June Felter, painter, 1919 - 2019. 


    2022 “June Felter: A Centenary Celebration”, Point Richmond Gallery, Richmond, CA

    2011 “Two California Artists” Grace Institute, New York, NY 

    2001 “June Felter: Fresh Air” Kennedy Art Center, Holy Names College

    1999 “Just Looking: June Felter Drawings”  871 Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA  

    1990 “June Felter: Paintings from the 1960s”  871 Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA.

    1984 “June Felter: Natures Mortes et Paysages de France et de Californie” Biot, France

    1982 “June Felter” Robert Mondavi Winery, Oakville, CA.

    1978, 80, 81 “June Felter” Dana Reich Gallery, San Francisco, CA.

    1977 “June Felter” San Francisco Art Commission Gallery, San Francisco.

    1971, 74 “June Felter” Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA.

    1972 “June Felter” University of California, San Francisco, CA.

    1971 “June Felter” Linda Ferris Gallery, Seattle, WA.

    1965-1966 “June Felter” Gump’s Gallery, San Francisco, CA.

    1962-1964 “June Felter” Harbor Gallery and Lloyd Clark Gallery, Oakland, CA.


    2018 “Way Bay 2” S.F. Bay Area artists from the last 200 years, Berkeley Art Museum (BAMPFA)

    2011 "Beyond Traditions: Art Legacies at the Richmond Art Center, Part II” Richmond, CA

    2007-8 “Celebrating a Centennial: Contemporary Printers at CCA,” de Young Museum, San Francisco
    2002 “Scene in Oakland 1852-2002,” Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA

    1997 “Why Draw a Live Model?” Crown Point Press, San Francisco, CA.

    1994 “Art in Embassies Program,” United States Embassy in Vienna, Austria

    1991 “Her Story: Narrative Contemporary Art,” Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA.

    1986 “California Society of Printmakers,” Museum of Tokyo, Japan

    1960 -- 1979 “National Drawing Show”  S.F. Museum of Modern Art and American Federation of Arts Traveling Show 



    Achenbach Foundation, S.F. Fine Arts Museums 

    San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

    American Federation of Arts, NY.

    University of Hawaii, Honolulu


    Oakland Museum of California, Purchase Award. 

    Berkeley Art Museum, UC Berkeley

    Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey California

    San Francisco Arts Commission, Purchase Award.



    2002 “California Watercolors 1850-1970” by G.T. McClelland and J.T. Last.  pub. Hillcrest Press. 

    1997 “Why Draw a Live Model?” by Kathan Brown, Crown Point Press, San Francisco.

    1996 “The Buddha’s Secret” a novel by A.J. Ackerman

    1996 “Time Pieces” a book of collected poems by Rella Lossy

    1988 “Musicality” a poem by Barbara Guest responding to drawings by June Felter

    1977 “Tennis is an Unnatural Act” a book by Tom Winnett and Marion Fay


    1984-85, 1979-80   Univ. of Calif. Extension Division, San Francisco (Acrylic-Gouache & Watercolor.) 

    1970-78 San Francisco State Univ. Extension Div., San Francisco (Figure drawing; painting; watercolor.)

    1965-1978 San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco. (Figure drawing; painting,; watercolor.)



    1960 - 1961 San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA.

    1937 - 1940 Oakland Art Institute, Oakland, CA.