Artists Registry

Peter Beckett

Chatsworth, Ontario Canada

    Statement of Work


    artist /vision statement.....'Vision: From Before and After 9/11/01'
    work in progress to precede some excerpts from sketchbook

    I am on a pilgrimage and keeping notes to help remember where I've been.
    Somewhere along the way I spread the notes out
    a collage, a map, a puzzle.
    video, paper, ink, crayons, words, paint
    Not a picture puzzle, aiming at a destination.... more like archeology....
    searching for meaning or, what new insight is contained in these fragements as
    they reach out and link up? What surprises are contained in new/unexpected juxtapositions?

    See Video [see illustration#12]

    Exhibition 2008
    a selection of the drawings and paintings
    exhibited in 2002 in the memorial exhibition
    curated by Alva Greenberg, New London CT
    "Vision From Both Sides 9/11-01"
    will be on exhibit at;
    The Beckett/ Leftside Gallery Flesherton,
    Ontario, Canada
    in September- October 2008 tba

    -------------------------------------------- excerpts from sketchbook

    ...The aroma of oil paint and an old wooden building combined with gum spirits of turpentine adds another layer to the "other worldliness" of the studio. ... the sound of emergency vehicles brings you back to the here and now.
    As it happened, the day I began working was September 11....
    listening to WGBH from Boston, The "War of the Worlds" came to mind. There was no interruption in the coverage. My friend Susan was on a plane that morning on route to LA. They were over Chicago when the FAA brought all domestic air traffic down. People are driving around flying the stars and stripes from their cars and trucks. It's close to home here." 14.09.01

    From the sketchbooks....Sept. 15/01

    The drawings from (Sept. 11/01, #1 #2 #3 #4)[see illustration#3] were made in the company of pigeons, cooing and scratching around on the slate roof, and WGBH..... A foreign correspondent, an outsider keeping a record of the impact, the assault, working on drawing #1 for most of the day, the most preliminary of the group, a drawing that was reworked on 12th and subsequently..... What would it be like to be a war artist?

    Whereas drawing (Sept. 12 #1) is conversational,[see illustration#6] drawing (Sept. 12 #2) is more about aloneness.[see illustration#7] The density of tone in #2 is achieved using white crayon over graphite to blurr.... turning line into tone. The pen lines are inert and remain static.
    Drawing (Sept. 12 #3)[see illustration#8] began with a pen, (medium nib in a Diplomat) ... more scratchy-less elegant than previous drawings. A triangle form apparent from the start, the reduced palette in this case, green yellow blue. The triangle reiterated with heavy black line - artist's crayon -- the impact hitting home, yet contained in the suspended triangle, the potential of horrific destruction... a further threat.
    The guilty taking the innocent with them on their joy ride - their misguided mission of heroic immortality, or do the perpetrators see them selves too as victims. The triangle, a symbolic hybrid tornado/jet powered fire bomb - looming high above in clear skies over a pastoral landscape of water, islands and peninsulas - malevolent, intoxicated with destructive potential - how can we as human beings arrive at such desperate resolve?

    Skyscrapers die with a grinding scream and
    through the smoke and dust and sorrow,
    If you can't find a glimmer of hope, [where will you] 6-03
    where will you look tomorrow?[see illustration#9]

    From the drawing (Sept. 12 #4) Figurative, with pen alone, the continuous line from right to left. Beginning in conclusion, with the consequences -- looking back into the sequence of significant events. What warnings were not heeded, precautions not taken. What lessons were not learned? Willful ignorance backed with arrogance, or blind faith?"

    From the sketchbooks...Sept. 25/01 words arising

    "from drawing (Sept. 24/2001 #4)
    the contradiction: contemplating war
    the contained fury of self-righteous indignation
    indignant nation ...
    How pointless it is to fight
    for what is right
    Better to look for a few values that
    you have in common [are held in common] /march1 2002

    Question: if it's wrong to kill innocent woman and children,
    when/why is it OK to kill innocent men? When do boys become men?

    from the painting (Sept.24/2001 #1)
    a view from the eye of the storm
    what exactly hangs in the balance?"

    "Thinking about making art may be the best way to prevent it from happening." Sept. 28 2001

    drawing (Sept. 24/01#1) virtually completed without hanging it up to contemplate [see illustration#11]...drawings could be assigned their place on a scale between intuitive and conscious....
    Question: When a drawing or painting is closer to the moment in which the intuitive is given over to contemplative, is that quality, the openness to interpretation, the quality that we call "engaging" ?

    "thoughts on (Oct. 1 #5 -back and white crayon and pencil)
    A representation of the arrival
    at a new level of

    from drawing (Oct. 1/2001 #16)
    How do we embrace a new idea?
    do we not have to release our grip
    on our beliefs for a moment
    to take a chance

    from drawing (Oct. 1/2001 #7)

    from drawing (Oct. 1/2001 #15)
    tumbling boxes

    Words from the sketchbook .... Oct. 13/2001
    out of the dot calm before the storm
    if lightning never strikes the same place twice
    when the giant wakes from the sleep of denial*
    and virtual reality returns to the place
    where fog comes from
    in which direction will we take
    our next first step?

    *thoughts from drawing (Sept. 19/2001 # 1)... you know the one ... shoreline on fire viewed from a boat at a safe distance....and another drawing (Sept. 24-26/2001 #4) looks like you've picked up the binoculars for a closer look.


    Providence Update from Peter Beckett, December . 2001.

    I'd had high hopes about getting myself functional with this computer but it's not happening. (yet) Who ever said that these things were "intuitive" to use, must be using a very obscure meaning of the word intuitive. ...I'd like to be sending you an e-mail that looks like a web page.... but I apologize, for now, what you see.....

    Whereas the computer potential seems to be a closed loop,the drawing and painting seems to be cross-pollinating .

    For years I have avoided working on paper, mostly for practical reasons......
    I must have let my guard down and now there's a whole new box of crayons to explore. . How easy it is to have 30 or 40 sheets of 18"x24", smooth, acid free potential at ones finger tips. No reason to worry ... be spontaneous, what's the worst that can happen? You mess a few up, you throw them away, right? .... It's not working out that way.
    The thing I've always liked about working with oil paint is the versatility: brush it, spray it, trowel it on .... or scrape it off ...the things can go on for ever...and... with oil, you can take a break and come back and your brushes haven't gone all hard... , my reluctance to give up on a disaster of a painting has transferred over to the paper and become part of the "drawing" process. A simple, spontaneous pen and ink drawing -- gone terribly, terribly wrong -- can slide into graphite and candle wax and to crayolas, to opaque "artist" crayons and when the paper is completely wax coated you can buff it and it gains transparancy and depth...."Cold fusion encaustic" you might call it.
    Now that you mention it, there's nothing to stop me laminating the things onto a canvas or ply wood....
    Approaching full circle from the other direction, I've started using paint sticks on canvas. [soft, oversized oil pastels that dry like paint.]
    To further add to the confusion there are mixed-media 3d assemblages using paint, wood, copper (new sheets and old architectural bits), and found objects.... the boards that I clean my knives and brushes on are also becomming paintings.

    Let's hear it for confusion, complications and slippery slopes.

    feb2/2002 looking at rough cut/camera edits of works in progress ... it's like being "back stage" in the studio, according to one comparative literature/fondue enthusiast...early market surveys indicating "potential" for "Snorovision," the abstract painting channel for insomniacs.

    After wrestling for two days with a horizontal green monster painting, some
    of the drawings from the previous week started making sense, basic shapes
    becoming apparent or becoming suddenly recognizable. It's more than just
    being away from them, it's the returning from a slightly different angle.
    >From a tangent previously unexplored.

    Pieces of a puzzle starting to fit together, a little here a little there.
    One thing about this puzzle though, it didn't come in a box with the big
    picture on the front. It's sort of an act of faith that every piece you turn
    over will eventually find it's place. The big fun is when you discover that
    this patch here, if you rotate it and move it way over to the other side, it links up with that patch over there.
    Like two parts of your brain bumping into each other and saying, nice to
    meet you.
    22 February 2002
    In the recent adventure in green there seems to be a movement like zooming in from one painting to the next. The second painting like a detail of the first, successive simplification in the third into simply green in number four. Initially the green canvas was made to try an extension above no.1. That didn't fly, but it may have a home next to the third.

    there is so much green around
    at home in the woods in the summer,
    that there seeems to be little urgency
    to use it in painting.
    As a consequence,
    beginning with green,
    like returning to the forest in early may,
    proclaims a change of season july13/02

    adendum; march 1 2002.
    The jigsaw puzzel analogy is just a starting point. For example, imagine the pieces have "picture" on both sides,... now make them three dimentional. .... the cube becomes a dodecahedron .....a spere, facits becomming points. Now fill an expanding space with the spheres and of course they're spinning.
    What exactly is the fourth dimention again?

    imagine.... She is looking at crystal structures at the highest powers of magnification, something like looking through a work...., how do we remember things?
    The mechanism of memory...prions form as proteins "go bad," irreversibly altering the order in which their components are arranged along the strand. To date, prion observation has focused on proteins as they turn into pathogens. ( mad cow disese) However, the rearranging of the information on the strand of protein may prove to be the mechanism of memory. The glue that holds all the pieces together.
    This research follows/when the genome project unraveled the DNA they found that there is more diversity of life than can be accounted for given the number of variables in DNA. Even though that's a lot of variables, there had to be a code within the code. So what did they expect.... same as it ever was


    Peter T. Beckett

    Born in Oakville, Ontario, in 1956, Beckett graduated from McMaster University in 1979 with an honours B.A. in Art and Art History. In 1980 he studied yacht design at Humber College. Was Artist in Residence, St. Johns College,
    Santa Fe NM 1982-84. Studied "Final Cut Pro," a video editing program, at the Rhode Island School of Design in 2002.

    After his second year at McMaster, Beckett spent a year cycling through Europe to see some of the art and architecture that he had been studying. The importance of context, was a lesson Beckett learned through this pilgrimage.

    As part of his experience, Beckett sailed the length of the Mediterranean as the crew on a 32' West Sail. He learned how to navigate in heavy weather. His new appreciation of how the forces of nature and technology find a balance in form and function, led him to study yacht design. Building a wooden sail boat is on his list of things to do. Towards that end he lived aboard a wooden boat for the winter 06-07 and "made him self useful" at G&B, builders of traditional wooden boats, on Martha's Vineyard, MA.

    For years Beckett has travelled extensively, between cities and remote, isolated environments. "Nature and solitude have been profound influences," he says. Whether it is a rift valley in Kenya or the north shore of Lake Superior, these influences, from the tangible to the inexplicable are reflected in his art.

    B.A. (Hons) McMaster University 1979, Art and Art History
    Artist in Residence, St Johns College, Santa Fe NM 1982-4
    Fundamental Yacht Design, Humber College
    Final Cut Pro, Rhode Island School of Design
    2006 You Me Gallery, Hamilton, ON (3 painters)
    Kara Taylor Fine Art , Martha's Vineyard MA
    Art 13, Vineyard Haven (solo)
    2005 Rolls Royce Motor Cars, Toronto ON (solo)
    Alva Gallery, New London CT
    2004 Allan Stone Gallery, New York NY
    Chelsea Groton Bank, New London CT (two artists)
    Krause Gallery Providence RI (solo)
    Rolls Royce Motor Cars, Toronto (solo)
    2003 You Me Gallery, Hamilton, ON
    Alva Gallery, New London,CT
    Girard BMW Dealership, CT (solo)
    2002 Alva Gallery, September Memorial, New London CT (solo)
    Grand Touring, Toronto (solo)
    Roxy Theatre /Gallery, Owen Sound, ON, performance/
    Installation (solo)
    2001 Grand Touring. Toronto (solo)
    Windmills, Kinston, ON (solo)
    SiSi on Main, Thombury, ON (solo)
    2000 Grand Touring, Toronto (solo)
    Sisi on Main, Thorbury, ON (solo)
    Roxy Gallery, Owen Sound, ON (solo) .
    Alison's, Streetsville, ON (solo)
    1999 Eclectica, Kingston, ON (Solo)
    Durham Art Gallery, ON (Solo)
    L.E. Shore Library/Gallery, Thornbury, ON (Solo)
    SiSi On Main, Thombury (Solo)
    Alisons, Streetsville (Solo)
    1998 WaIters Falls Group Show, ON
    SiSi On Main, Thombury (Solo)
    Alisons, Streetsville (Solo)
    Subterra Gallery, Providence, RI
    Greene Gallery , Gilford, CT.
    Windmills Cafe, Kingston (Solo)
    1997 Subterra Gallery, Providence, RI
    Windmills Cafe, Kingston (Solo)
    SiSi On Main, Thombury (Solo)
    Alisons, Streetsville (Solo) Local Colour, Flesherton
    1996 Ad Axiom, Burlington, On (Solo)
    MacLaren Arts Centre, Barrie, ON
    Shayne Gallery , Montreal Art Dialogue, Toronto
    Marketside Cafe, Owen Sound (Solo )
    Durham Art Gallery (Solo)
    SiSi On Main, Thombury (Solo)
    Local Colour, Flesherton
    Hamilton Public Library (Solo)
    Collingwood Public Library (Solo )
    1995 Azalia/ Art Dialogue, Toronto (Solo)
    Ad Axiom, Burlington (Solo)
    Shayne Gallery , Montreal Local Colour, Flesherton, ON
    1994 Gallery 788, Toronto (Solo)
    Ad Axiom, Burlington
    Gallery Van Sant, Antwerp, Belgium Art Dialogue, Toronto
    Carnegie Ga1lery , Dundas (printmaking)
    1993 Gallery Van Sant, Antwerp, Belgium
    Ad Axiom, Burlington
    Shayne Gallery , Montreal Mississauga Civic Centre, Mississauga
    Local Colour, Flesherton
    John B. Aird Gallery," After Image," Toronto
    Broadway Cinema, Hamilton
    Art Dialogue, Toronto
    Impact, Ne.w York
    1992 Art Dialogue, Toronto
    MacLaren Arts Centre, Barrie, "Diary" 90-92 (Solo)
    Gallerie Arcade, Belgium
    Durham Art Gallery, "Diary" (Solo)
    Hamilton Artists' Inc., "Remember Inc." Local Colour, Flesherton
    Shelley Lambe Fine Art, Toronto
    Shayne Gallery , Montreal
    Red Hill Art Glass, Streetsville
    Ad Axiom, Burlington (Solo)
    1991 Gallery Arcade, Belgium
    Moore Gallery, Hamilton, "Faces No Faces"
    Theodore, Toronto Shayne Gallery , Montreal
    John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto
    "WaIters Falls Five" Durham Art Gallery , Durham
    Ad Axiom, Burlington,On (Solo)
    Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, "Red, White and Black,"
    Mississauga Civic Centre Gallery , " After Image"
    Arts Cafe, Toronto Idyll Cafe, Markdale
    Marketside Cafe, Owen Sound (Solo)
    Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, (Juried Mention)
    Selected Exhibitions
    1989 Pearl St. Ga1ler, Hamilton (solo)
    Brampton Library Art Ga1lery (solo)
    Gelders Fine Art, Streetsville, Shelley Lambe Fine Art, Toronto
    1988 Total Art Ga1lery, "Rural Abstract" Toronto
    Tom Thomson Memorial Art Ga1lery, Owen Sound, ON "Beckett, Cullen & Wagman"
    Pearl St. Ga1lery, Hamilton (solo)
    1987 McMaster University Juried Alumni Exhibition, Pearl St Ga1lery , Hamilton Brampton Library Art Gallery (solo)
    1986 Erindale Campus Ga1lery, University of Toronto (solo)
    Hamilton Artists' Inc. Durham Art Gallery (solo) 1985 Hamilton Artists' Inc. (solo)
    Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Sass-Gottlieb, Santa Fe, New Mexico
    1984 Del Bello Gallery, Toronto Sass Gottlieb Gallery, Santa Fe NM
    1982 Mississauga Central Library (solo) Hamilton Artists' Inc.
    1981 McMaster Juried Alumni Exhibition (purchase ) Hamilton Artists' Inc. (solo)
    Mississauga Juried Exhibition (lst Award)
    1980 Camagie Gallery , Dundas Mississauga Juried Exhibition (1" Award)
    Edgerton's, Toronto (performance/ Installation)
    1979 Brampton Juried Art Show (Special Award)
    Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Honorable
    1978 Gallery Chimera, Elora Hess Village Ga1lery, Hamilton
    1977 La Galleria, Ibiza, Spain
    Pioneer Petroleum, Berman Collection, Environics,
    St John's College,.Charles Bell Collection, Santa Fe.
    Mailenium. Banca Commerciale ltaliana, Grand Touring Autos,
    Steinburg Collection, Diana Hogarth Collection