Artists Registry

Nancy Burack

New York NY United States

    Statement of Work

    As a native New Yorker, resident of Manhattan, and from a Staten Island FDNY family, September 11, 2001 and the months afterwards were a fog for me.

    I took my camera downtown on the 13th of September and a few times thereafter. I have a large file of pictures from those days, but even as a professional photographer, it was tough concentrating on camera settings and seeing clearly enough to get significant pictures. It was more like going through the motions; it felt just better to do something familiar and documentary.

    Then, I felt compelled to do several paintings. I began both oils here in September, 2001 and finished them by the end of the year. "Fly Away" was part of the "Prevailing Spirit" Exhibition in February 2002 at the Society of Illustrators where I am an artist member. Both paintings were featured at The National Arts Club here in December, 2009 in my solo exhibit "On Home Ground." Painting them both helped me work out my feelings about what had happened to the World Trade Center.

    Commuting by train and ferry from Staten Island to work mid-town in the 1970's, I watched the towers go up. I knew many Staten Islanders who worked there from Tottenville High School. The towers were, from then on, part of my pysche as everyday I saw them en route to Manhattan. One cannot underestimate the imprint the loss of something so familiar and imposing has on one's mind. After the towers were gone and I looked at lower Manhattan either from the ferry, the entrance ramp to the Lincoln Tunnel, or when I was downtown - I, to this day, can't accept the sky that notes their absence.

    The photography of the Lower Harbor and the South Street Seaport for Tall Ships in 1992 just documents the towers in their proper place and time. I love the Tall Ships picture; almost seems unreal with the Constitution sails so perfect, but that's how it really was.

    Being from a FDNY legacy family, my high school having lost 34 alumni, and being here in Manhattan when it happened - it saddened me in wordless fundamental ways that only doing something significant in regards to 9/11 such as joining this registry and having submitted a design for the Memorial Competition has somewhat quelled and answered.