Artists Registry

Calder Singer

New York NY United States

    Statement of Work

    My interest in the World Trade Center and the events that occurred on September 11th, 2001, is half a reflection of a great tragedy and half a fantastical re-interpretation of the Twin Towers themselves, inspired in part by their cultural significance but more-so by my own, individual fantasia.

    Thousands of years after the Great Ending, the descendants of the few survivors of the New York City area live in a land once again returned to its natural state, overtaken by nature. All buildings & man-made structures have been dissolved back into the earth.

    The island manhatta alone has four remaining structures – the Singer Tower (demolished in the 60s), the South Twin Tower (destroyed in 2001), the Woolworth Building and the Empire State Building. Here one of the descendants goes alone to live and explore the old skyscrapers to hunt for remnants of ages past (with hopes to uncover the way people in the Great City used to live & think).