Artists Registry

Regi Taylor

Reisterstown MD United States

    Statement of Work

    The KEY TO UNITY IN CommUNITY design incorporates two aspects. The GOLDEN OpportUNITY FOR UNITY (GOFU) emblem - the image on the left side of the "key" - utilizing the phonetic spelling of LOVE - L-U-V - to contrive the universal face, in profile, of the collective races, cultures, ethnicities, colors, religions and gender-types that comprise our society and our world. The "Apple" symbolizes New York City, and by synecdoche, the world. The design can literally be read as "EYE LUV THE BIG APPLE." However, the ONE face symbolizing ALL people in the World reads as GOLDEN OpportUNITY FOR UNITY. The right side of the design obviously uses the contours of a traditional "key" as a facsimile of the Manhattan skyline featuring the Twin Towers. Please visit this link - - to understand my personal ties, and GOFU's direct ties, to the World Trade Center.
    The central artistic theme here, however, is the GOLDEN OpportUNITY FOR UNITY (GOFU) Rotating Sundial Sculpture, a proposed National Unity Monument, that needs your support and participation to become a reality. The attached Youtube video featuring the GOFU Song defines the message behind the monument and is an invitation to ALL OF YOU - Americans of EVERY race, color, culture, creed, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation to celebrate our diversity and demonstrate our commitment to inclusion by erecting a permanent symbol of our official American motto - e pluribus unum (out of many, one). Please patronize the Merchandise Gallery on our site - - as a gesture of your support. If you believe as strongly as I that our country must come together then building a national unity monument presents an opportUNITY - literally - for us to build unity, and to commemorate for posterity the occasion that we came together and offered hope for peaceful co-existence as citizens to the generations of Americans who'll follow us. We owe it to the victims of 9/11, and ourselves, to make permanent that powerful, albeit fleeting, sense of Unity we experienced as a nation im the days immediately following that disaster. Please join me.