Artists Registry

John McConnell

North Saanich , British Columbia Canada

    Statement of Work

    This series of works are a search by me for the meaning of life and an effort to try and see beyond this life to what may lie beyond in the next stage of this amazing journey which we are all taking, and which is full of mystery and spiritual wonders.

    I never know what any particular painting will look like before I start. Each image appears on the canvas as I work and I just follow what is happening. Some souls have a very rough and frightening journey and may be lost with only a humble lamp to guide them on their way . Some are strong and confident, like this Bill Dimmling Soul, and will pause on their own journey to pick up those unable to make the journey on their own. Special souls on a special journey into the great beyond.Each image is very different from the others but each has a vessel in which the soul is travelling.

    These works are spiritual and come to me like a poem comes to a poet. Out of the breeze or from serendipity events which have followed me all my life. Coincidence beyond coincidence. Most of these paintings have reminded viewers of a lost loved one but only this one "Bill Dimmling" Ancient Soul was created with a particular person in mind. I am privelaged that they have all brought comfort to many of those who have been left behind.

    John McConnell.


    John McConnell was born in 1937 and educated in Northern Ireland.He has been a professional full time artist since 1989 after careers in Advertising ( Creative Director) and teaching. ( Director of art Education at one of Canada's leading private boarding schools.)

    His paintings are influenced by the poetry of Irish Poet laureat Seamus Heaney and the late Canadian painter Harold Town.This series of works, known as "The Journey of an Ancient Soul" have found homes with close to 50 private and corporate collectors in many countries of the world including The Allied Irish Bank ( largest Corporate Collection of contemporary art in Ireland), AIG Global Investment Co., and a minister in the current Canadian government.

    Other works are in collections of The Heritage museums of the town of Carrick on Suir in Ireland and the Heritage and Museum Art Collection of the Isle of Man.Plus many private collections and hotels etc.

    John McConnell was voted a full time member of the Artists Association of Ireland during a period he spent painting in Ireland from 1997 to 2004. He was also granted income tax free status, from sales of original paintings, by the Irish Government. He now resides with his wife Geraldine Slater on Vancouver Island BC Canada.