Artists Registry

Slava Polishchuk

Brooklyn NY United States

    Statement of Work

    (Jeremiah’s Lamentation)

    On 9/11 a tragedy befell our city, perpetuated by a power of evil.

    Feelings of the brutality of the world have roots in my past. I make repeated attempts of painting on the subject of human suffering. I got this idea because I was raised and lived in a small shtatel Klintsi, in Russia, and memories about the war, about the Holocaust, were not something remote for me, like something just in books. It was a part of our family’s life. I wanted to share a memory that I found impossible to forget.

    My memory guards the sunlit clearing deep in the woods where there is a grave. I ran into it while wandering in the vicinity of my native town. It is marked with a cracked cement slab that tells the story of an almost forgotten massacre. Nazi had shot ten thousand people including my grandmother’s family during the first months of World War II. I walked and listened to the rustle of the sand underfoot, to the echoes of the prayers from long ago. And now, even their memory is slowly being swallowed up by the time and underbrush.

    After tragedy of 9/11 I realized that this crime was committed by a power of a similar nature. I felt that my work not only about my grandmother’s family buried in a mass grave. It is about of my shtatel and my New York; about the tragedy of the modern man; the eternal moral apposition of good and evil. It is about the struggle of time and memory. Art bears a responsibility to preserve memory. I am convinced, however, that it also bears a responsibility to create memory. In the presence of memory, time learns the limits of its power. Memory reduces time to the stature of a reality that we have to deal with.

    Paging through the Book of Jeremiah, I realized that, albeit linked to Jeremiah’s story, the text bears the symbolic meaning that may be read at a higher level. This was I’d been looking for. For me, Jeremiah is the symbol of human suffering. There is something utterly remarkable in the text of Jeremiah. The text starts right off from a very high note. There’s nothing that could prepare the reader; the text is merciless to the reader, onto whom the full weight of the event that is being described comes crashing down from the very first lines. I know how difficult it is to start from a note like that – then you need to keep it up. The constantly repeating phrases, which contain the basic meaning of the text, come pouring out like a lament. There is no beginning and no end. A lament is not fear or horror, it’s not misfortune or grief. Fear and misfortune are visible. You can avoid them. You can overcome fear; misfortune passes, and is partially forgotten, if only for a time. And these waves are subordinate to a very harsh rhythm, which carries no less a load of meaning than the words do.

    I found the idea of a “box.” So a cage appeared. A box cage. I think the shape I found conveys the feeling of a closed space and man in it. The idea of repetition is very important for me. In the idea of repetition, I see a similarity with the idea of memory. Memory is essentially an endless repetition of something that once happened. I purposefully have not used a multi-color palette, and have limited myself to a few blacks and a few whites. I settled on two blacks, two whites, and paper. Here is the technical element. Mixing two blacks and two whites gives an enormous number of gradations: from pure black to pure white, plus glued-on paper. The ultimate result is a work in color. I applied up to layers of liquid color under the paper and onto it. When the oil paint penetrates through the paper, it creates a feeling of a wall, the monolith nature of which is being violated. Its symbolic meaning remains. That’s how memories are formed.

    Art bears responsibility for safeguarding memory and compelling moral conviction. I believed it was necessary to prolog, for as long as possible, the reminder of 9/11 tragedy and what could have been the “final solution”. In the blaze World Trade Center towers, in the ghettos, on their way to the graves, the victims were isolated from entire world. It was their last wish that the world know what they went through.

    Evil is forever changing its guise, but it is always recognizable by its urge for totalitarian power, its disregard for the value of human life and prohibition of our right to be dissimilar from one another.

    My series, Jeremiah’s Lamentation, is dedicated to the people who perished in the 9/11 tragedy and Holocaust. I feel that the loss of this memory had to be resisted. My past will not pass away.

    Slava Polishchuk




    Lives and works in New York
    In collaboration with Asya Dodina since 2003


    2013 What Remains, Asya Dodina & Slava Polishchuk, MoRA (Museum of Russian Art), NJ
    2008-2009 Instant Messages, Collages by Asya Dodina & Slava Polishchuk, Library Art Gallery, Brooklyn College, NY
    2007 Dodina & Polishchuk, Recent Works, International Center of Arts, Remagen, Germany
    2004 Slava Polishchuk & Asya Dodina: Between Earth and Heaven: Roots, Dreams and Chimeras, Fox & Fowle Gallery, NY
    2003 Slava Polishchuk & Asya Dodina, (with I. Shenker) 55 Mercer Gallery, NY
    2002 Dream of Reasons Brings Forth Monsters (with A. Dodina), Pace University, NY
    Wall, Brooklyn College, NY
    2001 Slava Polishchuk: Wall, Paintings, Brooklyn College, NY
    1999 On the Borderline of Cultures, Pace University, NY
    Jeremiah’ Lament (with A. Dodina), Moscow International Art Salon, Central House of Artists, Moscow
    1998 Subway, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    1996 Just a Detail (with A. Dodina), East/West Gallery, NY
    Slava Polishchuk: Drawings, Café Anyway, New York
    Slava Polishchuk: Paintings and Drawings, McGraw Hill Gallery, NY
    Army Notebook, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    1995 Just a Detail (with A. Dodina), New Arc Gallery, Moscow
    Fragments (with A. Dodina), New Ark Gallery, Moscow
    1994 Roads (with A. Dodina), New Ark Gallery, Moscow
    1993 Songs of the Sabbath, New Ark Gallery, Moscow
    1992 Slava Polishchuk: Paintings and Drawings, Jewish State Theater, Moscow
    1991 Ten Songs of the Sabbath, House of Moscow Artists, Moscow
    Songs of the Sabbath, Moscow national Jewish School, Moscow
    1990 1981-1983, House of Moscow Artists, Moscow
    1988 Slava Polishchuk: Painting, first solo show, Moscow Art School Named after the Year 1905, Moscow. The exhibition was closed in 15 minutes


    2014 BRURAL: Shattering Phenomena, Bronx Rover Art Center, NY
    A Moveable Feast: Art, Food and Migration Art Exhibition, Therese A.Maloney Art Gallery, College of Saint Elizabeth, NJ
    Structure, The Printmaking Center of New Jersey, NJ
    Finding Freedom in Russian Art, 1961-2014. Selections from the Kolodzei Art Foundation and the Collection of Dr. Wayne F. Yakes, Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA
    2013 Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Armory Show, The Museum of Russian Art, Jersey City, NJ
    The 2013 International Art Festival (juried art competition), 25CPW Gallery, NY
    For & About: Art & Reactions to Superstorm Sandy, Brooklyn Art Council Gallery, NY
    ACCESSART, Tabla Rasa Gallery, Brooklyn Arts Council
    2012 Hotel 718 and its Brooklyn Art Collection, Brooklyn Arts Council, Hotel 718, NY
    There's a Story, (Juried show) The Alumni Room Gallery, St. Joseph College, NY
    Miniatures, Cupola Gallery, England
    Amulets, Nazars & Evil Eyes: Artists Looking Forward, Queens College Art Center, NY
    Group Show, The Museum of Russian Art, Jersey City, NJ
    2011 Duo, Künstlerforum, Bonn, Germany
    100 Works on Paper Benefit, Kentler International Drawing Space, NY
    XIV Moscow International Art Salon CHA-2011, Moscow
    Trinity International Auctions, CT, USA,
    2010 Word Up! (Juried show) The Alumni Room Gallery, St.Joseph College, NY
    First Look, nAscent Art New York, NY
    100 Works on Paper Benefit, Kentler International Drawing Space, NY
    2009 The Exquisite Corpse: Paul Robeson Galleries 30th Anniversary Exhibition, Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers University, NJ
    The Contemporary Russian Avangard, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Artwork by NYC’s Best emerging Artists, nAscent Art New York, NY
    2008 Moscow-New York=Parallel Play. From the Kolodzei Collection of Russian and Eastern European Art, Chelsea Art Museum, NY
    Brooklyn au Natural, Safe-T Gallery, NY
    Here Be Monsters: An Abridged Bestiary of Contemporary Monsters, Both Real and Imagined, Flanders Gallery, Raleigh, NC
    Publishing house Slovo/Word, NY
    Art on the Block, nAscent Art New York, 3/27/08, NY
    Russian Modern Art, MISHKA Foundation, Russian Cultural Centre, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C.
    2007 MacDougall’s Russian Art Auctions, November 2007, London
    Stadtgalerie Alter Turn, Niederkassel, Germany
    Art on the Block, nAscent Art New York, 10/25/07, NY
    MacDougall’s Russian Art Auctions, June 2007, London
    Russian America, Primorye State Picture Gallery, Vladivostok, Russia Moscow - New York=Parallel Play. From the Kolodzei Collection of Russian and Eastern European Art, National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow
    Art on the Block, nAscent Art New York, 7/12/07, NY
    Annual Spring Showcase, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Publishing house Slovo/Word, NY
    Art on the Block, nAscent Art New York, 5/6/07, NY
    2006 Internationale Stella Galerie, Le Musee Russe De Jersey City A 25 Ans, Paris
    International Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, NY
    Works on Paper, Russian Soviet Art 1955-2005 from the Kolodzei Collection of Russian and Eastern European Art, Brooklyn College, NY
    Russian America, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    From the Art of New York, World Financial Center Winter Garden, NY
    Group show, Publishing house Slovo/Word
    25th Anniversary, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ; A-3 Gallery, Moscow
    III Biennial Contemporary Russian Painting and Sculpture, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    New Year’s Gift, Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    2005 Second Annual International Juried Exhibition, Shore Institute of the Contemporary Arts, NJ
    Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists Space, NY
    Anything Goes, Firehouse Art Gallery, Nassau Community College
    Emptiness & Sensuality, auction, Remy Toledo Gallery
    Malevich and His Successors, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ, Alexander Glezer & Joachim Sklorz Gallery, Moscow
    New York – Moscow, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    1960-1980 Russian Non-Conformists, Grant Gallery, NY
    Gallerie Hudson, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Artists Aid Orleans, Ch’i Gallery, NY
    25th Anniversary, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    IV Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic and Sculpture, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    2004 Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists Space, NY
    III Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic and Sculpture, Belyaevo State Gallery, Moscow; International Stella Galerie, Paris
    Russian Americans, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    II Biennial of Contemporary Russian Painting, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    2003 III Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic and Sculpture, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Kensington Art Studio Group Show, Brooklyn, NY
    VI Annual Williamsburg Salon, Williamsburg Art Center, NY
    Douglas Dibble Memorial Auction, Hunter College Times Square Gallery, NY
    The Heart of Russia, Harkov State Museum of Art, Ukraine; Zaporoghskiy State Museum of Art, Ukraine; Belyaevo State Gallery, Moscow
    Autumn Motives, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists Space, NY
    2002 The Presidential Inaugural Exhibition, Brooklyn College, NY
    Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic and Sculpture, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ; Belyaevo State Gallery, Moscow
    CHA-2002, Moscow International Art Salon, Central House of Artists, Moscow
    Russia to America, charity auction, Grant gallery, NY
    Printmaking, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NY
    M.F.A. Thesis Exhibition, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NY
    The Golden Brush, juried show, Moscow
    Biennial of Contemporary Russian Painting, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    The Heart of Russia, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    2001 Printmaking, Brooklyn College Gallery, NY
    Jewish Artists Awards, Candid Gallery, London
    2000 Twenty Years After, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Drawing, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NY
    The Shaw Awards Winners, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NY
    Foot Long Pieces, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NY
    Holiday Art Exhibition, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NY
    I Biennial of Contemporary Russian Sculpture and Graphic, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    1999 Russia and Jews, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Abstract Painting, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NYork
    BAC Holiday Small Works Show, Brooklyn Arts Council, NY
    The Shaw Awards Winners, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NY
    I Biennial of Contemporary Russian Sculpture and Graphic, Belyaevo State Gallery, Moscow; Harkov State Museum of Art, Ukraine
    CHA-1999, Moscow
    1998 Fighting Weight, Gallery 402, Organization of Independent Artists, NY
    Wall-to-Wall, Organization of Independent Artists, NY
    The Shaw Awards Winners, Brooklyn College Art Gallery, NY
    Unknown Russia, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Summer Celebration, Zalman Gallery, NY
    A. Glezer, City populated with Strange People, Culture (Kultura), #1, 1998
    1997 Realm Between Realms, B’nai B’rith Klutznic National Jewish Museum, Washington, DC
    Art Majors Exhibition, Reznick Gallery, Long Island University, NY
    The New American Art Show, Tweed Gallery, NY
    Writers-Artists, Artists-Writers, State Literature Museum, Moscow
    Russia Revisited, Open Center, NY
    Mass Mediums, Westbeth Galery, Organization of Independent Artists, NY
    Young Russia, Tabakman Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Freedom on Canvas, Bet Torah Synagogue, Mount Kisco, NY
    1996 Artists from the Former Soviet Union, Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center, NY
    Jewish Melodies, Publishing House Slovo/Word, NY
    Juried Show, MetLife Gallery, NY
    1995 Alexander Glezer Collection: Contemporary Russian Art, Drouot Hotel, France
    Alexander Glezer Collection, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
    Moscow Art School Named After the Year 1905, Russian Academy of Art, Moscow
    Glezer Collection, Moscow
    Sotzium Gallery, Moscow
    1994 Golden Brush, juried show, Moscow
    Glezer Collection, Riga
    Graphic and Sculpture: Glezer Collection, Moscow
    Glezer Collection, Central House of the Artists, Moscow
    Spring Exhibition of Moscow Artists, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    Graphic and Sculpture: Glezer Collection, Moscow
    Publishing House NOAH, Moscow
    1993 Collection of New Arc Gallery, Taganka Theatre, Krosna Gallery, Moscow
    Moscow Collection of New Arc Gallery, Sen-Canten, France
    Contemporary Russian Graphic: Glezer Collection, Krumsky Val Gallery, Moscow
    Glezer Collection, Russia
    Still Life. Portrait. Landscape: Glezer Collection, Central House of the Artists, Moscow
    Collection of New Arc Gallery, Jewish State Theater, Moscow
    Paradise Garden, New Arc Gallery, Moscow
    1992 The First Exhibition, New Arc Gallery, Moscow
    World of Graphic, Izograf Gallery, Moscow
    Diaspora: Jews in Russia, Central House of the Artists, Moscow
    The Arts for Life, Central House of the Artists, Moscow
    The XX Exhibition of Young Moscow Artists, Moscow
    ECOLOR, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    From Yesterday to Tomorrow, Izograf Gallery, Moscow
    Autumn Exhibition of Moscow Artists, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    1991 Still Life and Interior, Union of Moscow Artists, Moscow-Leningrad
    Spring Exhibition of Moscow Artists, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    Living Ring, House of Moscow Artists, Moscow
    The Problems, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    Ecology, Izograf Gallery, Moscow
    1990 Jewish Art, Lithuanian State Museum of Jewish Art, Vilnius
    The XIX Exhibition of Young Moscow Artists, Moscow
    The 45th Anniversary of the Victory on the Second World War, The House of Moscow Artists, Moscow
    1989 Self Portrait of Russian Artists, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    Spring Exhibition of Moscow Artists, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    Graphic and Sculpture, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    The Nature and We, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    The River Volga, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    Four Artists, Meridian Club, Moscow
    The Problems, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    1988 The XVIII Exhibition of Young Moscow Artists, Moscow
    Spring Exhibition of Moscow Artists, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    Autumn Exhibition of Moscow Artists, Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    1987 Moscow Art School Named After the Year 1905, Moscow
    Mongolian Notebook, Moscow Art School Named After the Year 1905, Moscow


    State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
    The Jane Voorhnees Zimmerly Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
    The Norton and Nancy Dodge Collection of Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union, New Brunswick, NJ
    The Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
    Lithuanian State Museum of Jewish Art, Vilnius, Lithuania
    Museum of Russian Art (MoRA), Jersey City, NJ
    Kolodzei Foundation of Russian and Eastern European Art, NJ,
    Brooklyn College, City University of New York, NY
    Pace University of New York, New York
    Fox & Fowle Architects, NY
    Safe-T-Gallery, NY
    Golden Key National Honor Society, Atlanta, Georgia
    LAM Group Hotels
    Российский Государственный Архив Литературы и Искусств (РГАЛИ), Moscow.
    Moscow Union of the Artists, Moscow
    Moscow Art School Named After the Year 1905, Moscow
    Moscow National Jewish School, Moscow
    Israel Embassy, Moscow (presented to Yitzhak Shamir)
    Susan Vas Dais Collection, London
    Arnold and Valentina Byalik, Moscow
    Alexander Filzer Collection, Israel
    Palladian Collection (Michael Kroll Collection), New York


    2013 Show Award, International Art Festival, 25 CPW Gallery, NY
    2008, 2007, 2006, 2003, 2002, 1999, 1996 Project Grant for Exhibition, NY State Council of the Arts, NY
    2005 Award of Excellence, Firehouse Art Gallery, Nassau Community College
    2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998 The Charles G. Shaw Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, NY
    2002 The Joan Mitchell Foundation Nominee
    Graduate Assistantship Award, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, NY
    Dean’s List, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, NY
    2001 Jewish Artists Awards Finalist, The Ben Uri Gallery, London
    2000 Art International 2000 Finalist, Golden Key National Honor Society, Atlanta, Georgia
    Cum Laude with Honors, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, NY
    Golden Key National Honor Society, Atlanta, Georgia
    1997 Art Activity Award, Long Island University, NY
    1996 Visual Arts and Music Award, MetLife, NY
    1987 Diploma with Honor, Moscow Art School Named After the Year 1905, Moscow
    1987-1984 Art Activity Awards, Moscow Art School Named After the Year 1905, Moscow
    1986 Travel Award, Mongolian Republic, Moscow Art School Named after the Year 1905, Moscow


    2012 The Alumni Room Gallery, St. Joseph College, NY, Public artist talk
    Queens College Art Center, NY, Public artist talk
    2010 The Alumni Room Gallery, St. Joseph College, NY, Public artist talk


    2012-Present Conservation and Preservation of Library and Archival Materials, Adjunct Professor, Brooklyn College, CUNY, NY
    2009-Present Conservation and Preservation of Library and Archival materials, Assistant Professor, Pratt Institute, NY
    2005-Present Book Preservation workshop, Brooklyn College Special Collections, Brooklyn College, NY
    2004-2012 History 69.1 Introduction to Archival Management, Conservation and Preservation Lecturer, Brooklyn College, NY
    2003 Printmaking workshop, Brooklyn College, NY
    2001-2003 Assistant to Professor William T. Williams, Brooklyn College, NY


    2002 Brooklyn College, City University of New York, M.F.A.
    2000 Brooklyn College, City University of New York, B.A.
    1998 Long Island University, NY
    1987 Moscow Art School Named After the Year 1905, Moscow
    1980 Moscow Higher Art and Industry School (former Stroganovskoe), Moscow


    2014 BRURAL: Shattering Phenomena, Bronx Rover Art Center, NY
    Bronx River Art Center, NY,;
    Project 59, NY,
    South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia,…
    Gallery OKNO, Chelyabinsk, Russia,
    Hurricane Sandy and Chelyabinsk meteorite became sister events, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Russia,…
    “BRURAL: Shattering Phenomena” Exhibition,
    Peter Malone, Russian and American Artists Respond to Natural Disasters, Hyperallergic, 2/14/2014, NY,…,
    Public Art Archive,
    L. Gomberg, On the Nature of Things, Alef magazine, New York-Moscow-Jerusalem, #1041, 2014
    Robin Potter, Visual Literacy and the Art/Media Librarian, a presentation for ARLIS/NA-MW,…
    A Moveable Feast: Art, Food and Migration Art Exhibition, Therese A. Maloney Art Gallery, College of Saint Elizabeth, NJ…
    Virginia Butera, A Contemporary Moveable Feast, Ragazine, CC, V.10, #2, 2014
    BRIC Contemporary Artist Registry,
    Leonid Gomberg, Opposition, Informprostranstvo, #184, 2014,
    Cover for Music of Russian Jewish Composers for Oboe and Piano, CD disk, New York, 2014
    L.Gomberg, Poetry of the paints, paint of the poetry, Alef magazine, New York-Moscow-Jerusalem, #1044, 2014,
    Structure, The Printmaking Center of New Jersey, NJ
    CUNY Academic commons,…
    “365 Days Around the Sun”: Poetry Reading by G. Katsov at Harriman Institute, Columbia University,…- around-the-sun-at-th-harriman-institute-columbia-university.html
    The Intuitionists, The Drawing Center, New York, NY…
    Scott Teplin, The Intuitionist at The Drawing Center, events/2014/3/24/the-intuitionist
    The Intuitionists: The Drawing Center opens a collaborative project,…
    Drawingpapers 116, The Intuitionists, catalogue, The Drawing Center, NY,
    Finding Freedom in Russian Art, 1961-2014. Selections from the Kolodzei Art Foundation and the Collection of Dr. Wayne F. Yakes, Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA
    Alexander Filzer, Jewish Songs, Jerusalem, 2014…- 1961-2014-selections-from-the-kolodzei-art-foundation-and-the-collection-of-dr-wayne-f-yakes-paul-and-lulu-hilliard-university-art-museum-university-of-louisiana-at-lafayette-lafayette-la

    2013 Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Armory Show, The Museum of Russian Art, Jersey City, NJ…
    Alexander Filzer, Paint on the Pallet of the Creator, Jerusalem, 2013
    Alexander Filzer, Slava in New York: Artist Slava Polishchuk, Новости недели (News of the week), Jerusalem, p.12, 5/16/2013
    Alexander Filzer, Slava in New York: Artist Slava Polishchuk,
    Arkady Yagudaev, Musem hosts the gests, Russian Advertisement, p.c75,…
    Hidden Treasures Found in Whitman Hall,, BC News
    V.Gandelsman, Artist Studio, about a book by Slava Polishchuk What remains, Interpoezia, N1, 2013, NY;
    International Art Festival, Artwork of the Week,
    Slava Polishchuk, Songs of the Sabbath and Faces, Dialogue almanac, Moscow/Jerusalem, N11
    Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI), collection of L. Razgon
    V. Nuzov, 8 of March at Armory Show, Seagull magazine, N7, April 1-15, 2013
    For & About: Art & Reactions to Superstorm Sandy, Brooklyn Art Council Gallery, NY,…
    For & About: Art & Reactions to Superstorm Sandy, (commemorative zine), BAC Gallery, NY
    Jeanine Ramirez, Brooklyn's YWCA Builds Archive Collection To Preserve Its Storied History,…
    For & About: Art & Reactions to Superstorm SandyBrooklyn Arts Council.
    Curate NY 2013,
    ACCESSART, Tabla Rasa Gallery, Brooklyn Arts Council,
    2012 There's a Story, (Juried show) The Alumni Room Gallery, St. Joseph College, NY…
    Amulets, Nazars & Evil Eyes: Artists Looking Forward, Queens College Art Center,NY……
    Arlene McKanic, Queens College exhibit explores evil eye mysticism,…
    Aviva Woolf, Four-Day Queens Art Express Hits the Borough, The Queens Beat, 6/15/2012…
    Sophia Hollander, Soon on Display in Brooklyn: ‘Holy Grails of Baseball, The Wall Street Journal, p.A17, 4/17/2012, NY
    Roger Clark, Ebbets Field Blueprint Among Items on Display At Dodgers Exhibit, NY1, 4/19/2012, NY…
    Group Show, Museum of Russian Art (MoRA), New Jersey
    Countrymen in America
    “365”, Dialogue almanac, Moscow/Jerusalem,
    Group show, Museum of Russian Art (MoRA), Jersey City NJ,
    Miniatures, Cupola Gallery, England
    The National Archive of Grenada,
    Brooklyn Navy Yard center,
    2011 The Drawing Center Viewing Program, artist registry,
    Trinity International Auctions, CT, USA,
    Alexander Filzer, Modern Jewish Art: Galut-Aliyah-EretzYisrael, Jerusalem, 2011
    James Wallace, Make Art, Not War, 1/3/2011
    Saatchi Online,
    Nikolai Efremov, This Mysterious Third Floor,
    Slava Polishchuk, Sketches to the Book by Lev Razgon “The Day Before Yesterday and Today”,
    Irina Enss, Duo, catalogue, Künstlerforum, Bonn, Germany
    Von Christina Zu Mecklenburg, Anziehend und Verstorend, General-Anzeger, Bonn, Germany
    Reporter, Russian Art in Chelsea (picture story), #055, p.9, 4/18/2011, New York
    Leonid Gomberg, The Artist is Always Alone, Informprostranstvo, #166, Israel
    Leonid Gomberg, Alef, #1012, Moscow
    Curate NY 2011, collage/item/448-asya-dodina/slava-polishchuk-upside-down-infinity-#11
    Hotel718, Brooklyn Arts Council, NY
    2010 P.S.1 Studio Visit,
    Field Trip to the Brooklyn College Library,
    Word Up! The Alumni Gallery, St.Joseph College, NY
    United Artists Rating, reference book, XVII edition, Moscow, Russia
    Curate NYC 2010,
    2009 Denise Romano, Another Chapter for Ancient Books, Daily News, 6/23/09
    Lisa Lincoln, New Conservation Lab Saves Printed Matter,
    Philip Read, A Collection of Memories From a World War II Icon, The Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ, 7/19/2009
    LACUNY News, Volume 28, #1, May 2209, NY
    Anonda Bell, The Exquisite Corpse, catalogue, Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers University, NJ
    “The Exquisite Corpse” 30th Anniversary Exhibition,, NJ
    The Exquisite Corpse,……
    Artwork by NYC’s Best emerging Artists,, NY
    Brooklyn College Alumni 2010, Brooklyn College, CUNY, NY
    New Conservation Lab is Extending Life of Collection, Brooklyn College Magazine, Fall2009
    2008 Moscow - New York=Parallel Play. From the Kolodzei Collection of Russian Art, National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow; Chelsea Art Museum, NY
    BC’s Virtual Art Museum, Brooklyn College Magazine, #2, Fall 2007
    The BC Library presents Instant Messages, Monday Morning,, 11/17/08
    I. Tumanova, One More “Russia”, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, #827, NY
    Maya Plitsker, From Moscow and New York, on canvases and paper. Novoe Russkoe Slovo, #839, NY
    Dave Delcambre, Here Be Monsters,, NC
    Lana Rayberg, People and Chimeras, The Coast, #16, PA
    Art on the Block, nAscent Art New York, 3/27/08, NY
    Alexander Filzer, Jewish artists in the Soviet Union 1939-1991 from the Jewish Museum of Modern Art in Moscow, 2008, Jerusalem
    Margarita Shklyarevskaya, Parallel Play of the Sixty Artists of the Second Russian Vanguard, Evreyskiy Mir, #833, NY
    Lilian Kostyuk, Nothing Will Be Forever, V Novom Svete, #20 (689), NY
    Songs of the Sabbath, Foreword by Valentina Byalik, Dialogue almanac, #10, Moscow/Jerusalem, 2008
    Kate Ray, It’s a “Natural”, The Brooklyn Paper, 7/21/08, #25, NY
    L.Shenker, Conversation with Polishchuk, Mamchur, Shenker, Slovo/Word, #58, NY
    Oleg Woolf, Around the Corner, Slovo/Word, #58, NY
    Novoe Russkoe Slovo, #940, 941, NY
    Lilian Kostyuk, Creative Tandem, Noviy New York, #49(597)
    Lilian Kostyuk, Two Artists, That is how It Has Happened, Bukrek p/h, Ukraine
    nAscent News, June 2008
    nAscent News, December 2008
    Rada Polishchuk, Continuation of Dialog, Vestnik EAR, #3,116, 4/2008
    Brooklyn au Natural, Safe-T Gallery, NY…
    Mishka Foundation, NY,
    2007 MacDougall’s Russian Art Auctions, November 2007, London
    MacDougall’s Russian Art Auctions, June 2007, London
    Miriam Deutch, Brooklyn College Library’s Art Collection, online catalogue and tour,, NY
    Irina Enns, Dodina & Polishchuk, Recent Works, International Center of Arts, Remagen, Germany
    Kunst und Kommunikation, Apropos 7 Gebrige, April 2007, Germany
    General-Anzeiger, Bonn, Germany, 4/26/07
    Hildegard Ginzler, Chimaren und Traume, Blick aktuell – Remagen, 5/3/07
    Russian America, Primorye State Picture Gallery, Vladivostok, Russia
    Vadim Davudov, Fortunes of People, Forward, #583, NY
    Olga Dunaevskaya, Gifts Of Fortune, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, 3/3-4/07, NY, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 3/29/07, Moscow
    Lana Rayberg, People and Chimeras, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, 2/10/07, NY
    Art On the Block, nAscent Art New York, 10/25/07, NY
    Art On the Block, nAscent Art New York, 7/12/07, NY
    Art On the Block, nAscent Art New York, 5/6/07, NY
    Interview, Slovo/Word, N54, NY
    Frida Bernstein, Gifts Of Fortune, Novuy Ghurnal, #247, NY
    Maya Plitsker, Interview on RTN-TV, NY
    BC’s Virtual Art Museum, Brooklyn College magazine, Fall 2007
    Mark Nemirovskiy, Po zovu talanta, Literaturnaya Gazeta Kazahstana, #13(13), 9/18/2007
    2006 Nicole Ryan, Interview on Channel 12, 10/11, NY
    Maria Alvarez, Book to the Future with CUNY Effort, Daily News, 10/10, NY
    V. Roytman, Past Is Always in the Present, interview, By Chance of Fortune, Moscow
    Aneta Meiman, interview on Radio Alliance, NJ
    From the Art of New York, World Financial Center Winter Garden, NY, catalogue
    L. Gomberg, What Kind of Jewish Culture We Need? Evreyskie Novosti, #13, Moscow
    N.Kolodzei, Works on Paper, Russian Soviet Art 1955-2005 from the Kolodzei Collection of Russian and Eastern European Art, Brooklyn College, NY
    L. Gomberg, Children of Shaw in Postindustrial World, Alef, N955, 11/2006, New-York-Moscow-Jerusalem
    Russian America in Jersey City,
    2005 Andrea Louie, Remembrance of Things Not Yet Lost, Brooklyn College Magazine
    A.Glezer, Malevich and His Successors, La Pensee Russe (Russkaya Musl), #25, Paris, France
    A.Glezer, J.Sklorz, Malevich and His Successors, catalogue, New York-Moscow
    A. Glezer, Malevich and His Successors, Russkaya Reklama, #15, NY
    Interview on RTN-TV, NY
    Alexander Glezer, 25th Anniversary, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    N.Dayson, A.Glezer: In the West I Felt Myself Like On A Business Trip, Gelos magazine, 9/22/05
    N.Dayson, A.Glezer: In the West I Felt Myself Like On A Business Trip, Novaya Gazeta, 9/22/05
    Margarita Shklyarevskaya, Music of the Line, Russia Bazaar, #46, NY
    Natalia Dawson, Alexander Glaser: The West, I Felt Sent, ARTinvestment.RUForum, Russia
    2004 Miriam Deutch, Slava Polishchuk & Asya Dodina: Between Earth and Heaven: Roots, Dreams and Chimeras, Fox & Fowle Gallery, NY
    Maya Plitsker, Interview on RTN-TV, NY
    Anneta Meiman, Interview on Radio Nadezhda, NY
    Lana Rayberg, Phantoms of Reality, Metro, #31, 2004, NY
    Lilian Kostyuk, Between Earth and Heaven, V Novom Svete, #39, NY
    Lana Rayberg, Between Earth and Heaven, Vecherniy New York, #1356, NY
    Margarita Shklyarevskaya, Between Earth and Heaven, Russia Bazaar, #41, NY
    Maya Pritsker, From Details to the Whole, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, #32, NY
    Brooklun College Library book Conservator Rescues Fragile Tomas from Father Time,
    The William Alfred Collection newsletter, Volume1, Issue2, 4/2004
    2003 Karen Calabria, Brooklyn College Offers Wealth of Knowledge to Residents, Bay News, #51, p.7, NY; Bay Ridge Courier, #51, p.7, NY; The Brooklyn Graphic, #51, p.7, NY; Canarsie Digest, #51, p.7, NY; Flatbush Life, #51, p.7, NY; Kings Courier, #51, p.7, NY; Brooklyn Heights Courier, #51, p.7, NY; Park Slope Courier, #51, p.7, NY; Carroll Gardens/Cobble Hill Courier, #51, p.7, NY
    V.Orlov, Artists Word, Vecherniy New York, NY; Russian TV Guide, #39, NY
    ARTnews, Artist Directory, summer 2003, NY
    Lana Rayberg, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, #32, NY
    Samuel Steinberg, Brooklynania Comes to BC Library, Brooklyn College Kingsman, NY
    VI Annual Williamsburg Salon, Williamsburg Art Center, NY
    2002 Miriam Deutch, The Presidential Inaugural Exhibition, catalogue, Brooklyn College, NY
    Leonid Gomberg, Alef, N901, 5/2002, New-York-Moscow-Jerusalem
    Mona Hadler, M.F.A.2002 Thesis Exhibition, catalogue, Brooklyn College Gallery, NY
    Lilia Kostyuk, Family Portrait, Russian Bazaar, #7 (303), NY
    Alexander Glezer, Russia to America, catalogue, Grant gallery, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic and Sculpture, catalogue, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    CHA-2002, catalogue, Moscow International Art Salon, Moscow
    Vladimir Roytman, Dream of Reasons Brings Forth Monsters, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, 7/2002, NY
    Golden Brush, catalogue, Moscow
    Alexander Glezer, Biennial of Contemporary Russian Painting, catalogue, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Larisa Shenker, Slava Polishchuk: The Conversation with Artist, Slovo/Word Magazine, #37, 12/2002, NY
    Irina Kovaleva, O Teh, Komu Mereshchetsya, Vremya MN, 16/08, Moscow
    Exodus, #9, 231, Toronto, Canada
    Salon Lessons, Novuy vernisagh, #9,113, http:/, Moscow, Russia
    2001 Alexander Glezer, Slava Polishchuk: Jeremiah’s Cry, NYArts, #5, NY
    Newsletter of the College Art Association, #4, NY
    Jewish Artists Awards, catalogue, Candid Gallery, London
    A. Davudov (A. Glezer), Laments of Jeremiah by Slava Polishchuk, Forward, #285,
    Lilia Kostyuk, Behind the Line of Holocaust, Russian Bazaar, #24(268), NY
    Russian Bazaar, Letter, #25(269), NY
    Alexander Glezer, Russian Art - Everywhere, Forward, #287, NY
    2000 Nicole D. Davis, BC’ History Preserved in New Archival Studies Program, Brooklyn College Excelsior, NY
    Leonid Gomberg, Slava Polishchuk: Jeremiah’s Lament, Jewish Newspaper,
    Rada Polishchuk, With Razgon about Razgon, Minsk, Russia
    1999 A. Glezer, Russia and Jews, catalogue, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Cynthia Dantzic, Drawing Dimensions, Prentice Hall, NJ
    Alexander Glezer, Unknown Russia, catalogue, C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ
    Alexander Glezer, Unknown Russia in New York, Russian Bazaar, #23,111, NY
    Always on the Road, International Jewish Newspaper, #35, Moscow
    L.G, Visit to Marc Chagall, International Jewish Newspaper, #12, Moscow
    1998 Yoko Shioya, New York-A City That Gets Along With Artists, Maruzen Publishing, Japan
    Fighting Weight, Gallery Guide, NY
    Anna Samoylova, Artist and Time, Russian Bazaar, 12/6, NY
    Newsletter of Organization of Independent Artists, summer, NY
    The Jersey Journal, 1/9, New Jersey
    A. Davidov, Solo Exhibition, Interesnaya Gazette, 12/1998, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, 1/12, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Yevreyskiy Mir, 1/23, NY
    Alexander Glezer, V Novom Svete, 1/16-22, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Only One Museum of Young Artists, V Novom Svete, 6/12-18, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Vecherniy New York, 1/3-4, NY
    A. Glezer, City populated with Strange People, Culture (Kultura), N1, Moscow
    Vestnik, Sketches in the Kitchen, 3/97, Moscow
    1997 Ori Soltes, Realm Between Realms, catalogue, B’nai B’rith Klutznic National Jewish Museum, Washington, DC
    The New American Art Show, catalogue, Tweed Gallery, NY
    Artistic Freedom, Jewish Week, 4/4, New York
    Freedom on Canvas, Westchester Jewish Life, 3/12, NY
    Having Freedom, The Patent Trader, 4/4, Mount Kisco
    Russian Art Exhibit, Newsday, November, NY
    Russia Revisited, New York Open Center, NY
    Ivan Martunov, Conversation with Artists on Exhibition Jewish Melodies, Slovo/Word Magazine, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Two Solo Exhibitions, Pechatny Organ, #134, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Young Russia at Tabakman Museum, Vecherniy New York, 6/14-15, NY
    Evgeniy Nekrasov, Vechernyaya Moskva, #12, Moscow
    Biana Oranskaya, Interesnaya Gazeta, NY
    Vadim Novoprudsky, Evreyskiy Mir, NY
    Vadim Novoprudsky, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, NY
    Yuriy Volkogonov, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, NY
    Vestnik, 4/97, Moscow
    Vestnik, Sketches in the Kitchen, 7/97, Moscow
    Vestnik, Sketches in the Kitchen, 9/97, Moscow
    Vestnik, Sketches in the Kitchen, 12/97, Moscow
    L. Kostyk, NYANA is Proud of it’s People, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, 30(401), NY
    1996 The Jersey Journal, NJ
    The MetLife Music and Visual Art Award, catalogue, NY
    Leonid Fradin, Vecherniy New York, November, NY
    The Jersey Journal, 2/1, NJ
    Svetlana Milner, Vecherniy New York, August, NY
    Alexander Glezer, V Novom Svete, 2/2, NY
    Mark Kronin, Jewish Melodies, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, May, NY
    Svetlana Milner, Jewish Melodies, Evreyskiy Mir, #37, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, 1/26, NY
    Anatoliy Kozak, Jews in Russian Culture, Reference Book, Moscow
    Naum Kats, Pechatnuy Organ, NY
    Leonid Zaslavskiy, Russian Advertisement, #50, NY
    Valentina Byalik, Lekhaim Magazine, #9, Moscow
    Valentina Byalik, The Glance, #120, NY
    Lilia Kostyuk, Forward, August, NY
    Leonid Pinchevsky, Pechatnyj Organ, February, NY
    Leonid Pinchevsky, Nezavisimaya, Gazeta, #53, NY
    Alexander Glezer, Four from Russia, Vecherniy New York, #349, NY
    K.Dremlyuh, MetLife and NYANA-Artists and Musicians, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, #30,347, NY
    L.Borshchevskiy, How to Read Uncle Vanya, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, #30,396, NY
    V. Edidovich, Sholem Aleichem and We, Forward, #31,082, NY
    1995 Alexander Glezer, Army Notebook, catalogue, Moscow-NY
    The Encyclopedia of Russian Jewry, second volume, Moscow
    Moscow News, Dual Exhibit under Way, 2/17-23, Moscow
    Novoe Vremya, December, Moscow
    Sotsium Magazine, Sotsium Gallery, #1, Moscow
    Tatiana Basova, The Painting of The New Arc Gallery, Mskovskaya Pravda, #171, Moscow
    Katya Tushina, Inostranec, #34, Moscow
    Maksim Pivovarov, Soviet Army as a Subject of Art, Vecherniy Klub, December, Moscow
    Megapolis-Express, #48, Moscow
    Fragments, The exhibition by Dodina and Polishchuk, Most-Gesher,N4(9)1995, Moscow
    Just a Detail, The exhibition by Dodina and Polishchuk, Most-Gesher, N2(7)1995, Moscow
    1994 Valentina Byalik, Just a Detail, Moscow
    Vechernyaya Moskva, #55, Moscow
    Valentina Byalik, Moscow News, 3/27, Moscow
    The time of Happiness, Most-Gesher, N5, 1994, Moscow
    1993 Valentina Byalik, Songs of the Sabbath, catalogue, Moscow
    Natalya Kolesova, Songs of the Sabbath, What & Where, April, Moscow
    Natalya Kolesova, Malerei im Theater auf der Taganka, Was und Wo, #2,
    Sonnabendilche Lider, Was und Wo, N5, Moscow
    Katya Veselova, New Arc Gallery, Moscow-Jerusalem, #14, Moscow
    Painting in Taganka Theater, What & Where, February, Moscow
    V. Byalik, Double Portrait, Lehaim, N11, 1993, Moscow
    V. Byalik, Memories of the Jewish kitchen…, Lehaim, N18-19, 1993, Moscow
    V. Byalik, A. Byalik, New Ark - the Gallery of the Jewish Artists, Lehaim, N18-19, 1993, Moscow
    1991 Gregory Frid, Vyacheslav Polishchuk, Soviet Homeland, Moscow
    Gregory Frid, Vyacheslav Polishchuk: Songs of the Sabbath, catalogue, Moscow
    Vyacheslav Polishchuk, Ten Songs of the Sabbath, catalogue, The Union of Moscow Artists, Moscow
    1990 Eliazar Levit, Acquaintance with Artist, Moscow Artist, Moscow
    1989 Eugenia Gorchakova, Talk with Himself, Art Magazine, Moscow
    Alexander Filzer, Songs of the Sabbath, Jewish Newspaper, Moscow
    Vyacheslav Polishchuk, “1981 – 1983”, catalogue, The Union of Moscow Artists, Moscow

    Slava Polishchuk “Diptych” StoSvet Press, New York, 2014…
    “365,” Cardinal Points, #4, NY, 2014
    “Scary world without a name...” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points), #15, NY, 2014
    “What Remains”, StoSvet Press, New York, 2013
    V.Gandelsman, Artist Studio, about a book by Slava Polishchuk What remains,, Dialogue almanac, 9/2013
    Международный клуб современного рассказа (МКСР) "ДИАЛОГ",;, Dialogue almanac, Moscow/Jerusalem, November, 2012
    “365”, Dialogue almanac, Moscow/Jerusalem, 2011/2012 - 5771/5772
    “The Life of Things, “Lepic 54,”,
    Dialogue almanac, Moscow/Jerusalem, 2011/2012 - 5771/5772
    “Talk on the Edge of Life”, Dialogue almanac, Moscow/Jerusalem,, 2011
    “365,” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points), #14, NY, 2011
    “Over the Bridge,” The Coast, N20, PA, 2011
    “Your Ashen Hair, Shulamith,” The Coast, N19, PA, 2010
    “Over the Bridge,” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points), #12, v.2, NY, 2010
    “Lepic 54,” The Coast, N18, PA, 2009
    “The Key of Future”, Interview with L.Gomberg, Slovo/Word, #63, NY, 2009
    “Johannes Vermeer,” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points), #11, NY, 2009
    “Rembrandt van Rijn,” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points), #11, NY, 2009
    “Lucian Freud,” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points), #10, NY, 2008
    “Francis Bacon,” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points) with Oleg Woolf, #10, NY, 2008
    “About What Shall Never Happen, from the artist’s notes,” Dialogue almanac, Moscow/Jerusalem, 2008
    “Your Ashen Hair, Shulamith”, Informprostranstvo, # N5, Moscow, 2008
    “The Life of Things,” The Coast, N17, PA, 2008
    “Army Notebook,” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points), #8, NY, 2008
    “Anselm Kiefer,” Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points) with Oleg Woolf, # N8, NY, 2008
    “From Soldiers to Chimeras: Art by Asya Dodina and Slava Polishchuk,” Comments by Slava Polishchuk and Oleg Woolf, Storonu Sveta (Cardinal Points), #8, NY, 2008
    “Appearance of Us,” The Coast, N16, PA, 2007
    “Your Ashen Hair,” Shulamith, Slovo/Word, #55, NY, 2007
    “The Life of Things,” Informprostranstvo, Moscow, 2007
    “Lepic 54,” Informprostranstvo (almanac), Moscow, 2006-2007
    “Attempt of Autobiography,” By Chance of Fortune (almanac), Moscow, 2006
    “The Path of Abraham: Interpretation of Probability”, Interview with L.Gomberg, Slovo/Word Magazine, #51, NY, 2006
    “Lepic 54,” Slovo/Word, #51, NY, 2006
    “He Was My Teacher,” Slovo/Word, #50, 2006
    “Farewell,” Alef, N949, New York-Moscow-Jerusalem, 2006
    “Instead Of Autobiography,” The Coast, #14, PA, 2005
    “Interpretation of Possibility,” Interview with L. Gomberg, The Road to Canaan, 2005
    “Subway,” Slovo/Word, #47, NY, 2005
    “From Edam to Babylon”, Vecherniy New York, 27/11-4/3, 2004
    “The Wall,” Slovo/Word, NY, 2003
    “Appearance of Us,” Slovo/Word, NY, 2002
    “Jeremiah’s Lament,” Brooklyn Writes, NY, 2002
    “…We are walking, and there is no end of the road”, interview with L.Gomberg,
    “…We are walking, and there is no end of the road”, interview with L.Gomberg, Zolotoy chervonec, #8, NY
    “I Finished the Book and Put the Dot,” Vecherniy New York, 1/14-16, NY, 2000
    “Appearance of Us,” Vecherniy New York, #960, NY, 2000
    “Army Notebook,” Russian Bazaar, #32(120), NY, 1998
    “The Song of the Shofar”, Russian Bazaar, #39(127), NY, 1998
    “The Songs of the Sabbath”, Russian Bazaar, #34(122), NY, 1998
    “The Time of Happiness”, Russian Bazaar, #27(115), NY, 1998
    “The Time of Happiness”, Russian Bazaar, #28(116), NY, 1998
    “Army Notebook,” Pechatny Organ, #63, NY, 1995
    “Army Notebook,” New Arc Gallery, Moscow, 1995
    About the exhibition of Alexander Zapolanski, Most- Gesher, N1(6)1995, Moscow
    “Army Notebook”, Most- Gesher, N4(9)1995, Moscow
    “Young Artists of St. Petersburg”, (about E.Kats and D.Gretzki), Most- Gesher, N5-6(10)1995, Moscow
    “Painting - How To Be in Flight ...”, Most- Gesher, N4(9)1995, Moscow
    “Songs of the Sabbath”, Most - Gesher, N2, 1994
    “A Measure of Sadness”, (about Gavriil Zapolanski), Most- Gesher, N5, 1994, Moscow
    “When the Night Comes to an End”, Most- Gesher, N5, 1994, Moscow
    “Just a Detail”, (about Asya Dodina), Most- Gesher, N3-4, 1994, Moscow
    “The Time of Happiness. Studies in the kitchen”, Most- Gesher, N3-4, 1994, Moscow


    Slava Polishchuk “Diptych” StoSvet Press, New York, 2014
    Gennady Ktsov “356 Days Around the Sun”, KRiK, New York
    Dialogue almanac, Moscow/Jerusalem, N13-14, 2014
    A. Belenkaya, A Trip to Liady, Moscow, 2011
    L.Kostyuk, That is How It Has Happened, with Asya Dodina, Bukrek, Ukraine, 2008
    Igor Vishnevetsky, Threefold Vision, Slovo/Word, New York, 1998
    Liana Alaverdova, Rhumes, Slovo/Word, New York, 1998
    Zoya Krahmalnikova, Russian Idea and Jews, Slovo/Word, New York, 1997
    Dmitry Bobushev, Angels and Powers, Slovo/Word, New York, 1997
    Eli Glez, Lubka, Slovo/Word Magazine, New York, 1996
    Mark Rozovsky, Reading of “Uncle Vanya”, Slovo/Word, New York, 1996
    Boris Paramonov, Three Essays, Slovo/Word, New York, 1996
    Dialogue. Russia 1996 – Israel 5757, literary almanac, Moscow, 1996
    Vyacheslav Polishchuk, Army Notebook, New Arc Gallery, Moscow, 1995
    Lev Razgon, Day before Yesterday and Today, Tel Aviv/Moscow, 1995
    Ataliya Belenkaya, Letter Lamed, Moscow, 1995
    Yury Levitansky, Poetry Book, Tel Aviv/Moscow, 1995
    Vyacheslav Polishchuk, Time of Happiness, New Arc Gallery, Moscow, 1994