Artists Registry

Khalid Reza

Queens Village NY United States

    Statement of Work

    Cathy’s Birthday

    Cathy is a sweet little girl,
    when she smiles; her teeth shines like pearls,
    today is a very happy day,
    ‘cause it’s her birthday.

    Her daddy, David works in Twin Towers,
    he’s going to bring balloons and flowers,
    all her friends will come to enjoy,
    Cathy is dancing like a bird, and jumping with joy.

    Cathy and her mother waiting for daddy,
    suddenly the news comes on T.V.,
    World Trade Center fallen down,
    Manhattan become a haunted town,
    screaming and crying all around,
    thousands of bodies on the ground.

    Crimson flames flashes on the glass,
    David has no way to the stairs,
    floor is getting hot, too hot to stand,
    breath’s chocking, eyes burning, skin lost its resistant.
    “No way, no way; now I’ll have to die,
    only one way, close my eyes and jump up to the sky”.
    He jumps from 96th floor and hit the hard solid ground,
    torn in to pieces, only few parts of the body been found.

    David was a good father and husband; brave, and a great hero,
    silently witnesses that speechless Ground Zero,
    that was way David’s precious life came to an end,
    gone! But left behind lovely wife, sweet Cathy, relatives & friends.

    Daddy never comes back home and ever open his shoes,
    only comes in Cathy’s dream and silently goes.
    Eleventh September is coming back again and again,
    “Oh! God, please send my dearest daddy back from Heaven”.


    I am an author of a poetry collections book titled "Bob Dylan, the man with a vision". My book was published by Trafford Publishing, Canada. I work in Healthcare Industry. Living in Queens, New York. I have written some poems on the tragedy of September 11. I got appreciation from the President, Governor, Mayor and senator for my work. To view my book you can go to:
    Barnes and Nobles