Artists Registry

Jenn Hassin

Austin TX United States

    Statement of Work

    My art is an ever-developing autobiography. The complete story of my life is a script to be molded, sculpted, painted, drawn and hammered into. My personal journey layers itself within my detailed works to reassert the importance I put on time and labor for my art. We all work through tragedies and my art is an exploration through the voice of the distressed groups or a tragedy I seek to represent. Creating beauty on a one-to-one ratio is important to my art in that it emphasizes the experience of the individual. Pretty portrait or not, we each exist more honestly in our own raw materials. As I draw inked lines and dots over a large splash of color, it is as if I am the cartographer, mapping out the details of tragedy. This leads to the ache in my wrist, that detailed stress is what keeps the fire and pressure of creating essential. The fissures from the lines and the dots, they make space for my audience to deal in darkness. When I can make beauty out of these materials, these raw pieces, I feel my conceptual art is truly able to expand and challenge its audience.


    Jenn Hassin is a Texas born artist and currently resides in Austin, Texas. She graduated with a degree in Studio Art in 2012 from Saint Edward's University. Jenn Hassin currently works out of her studio at Canopy where she creates conceptual pieces with every intention of making a difference through her art. Her art ranges from 2D drawings to sculptural works that are through a 2D lens. Process, time and labor are all essential to creating her detailed pieces. Her plans are to one day receive an MFA to aid in furthering her career as a professional artist.