Artists Registry

Albert Santavicca

Pittsburgh PA United States

    Statement of Work

    "911 An Ode to the Disaster" was taken from my collection of poetry in which I've entitled: FOR WHAT IT'S VERSE.

    I am of Italian heritage and proud to be an American. I am not racist by any means, nor am I bias nor a bigot.

    My ode to the 911 attacks on America is dedicated to my grandparents who understood that it took a process in which they had to go through to become an American citizen in this country, and they were happy to go through this in order to seek freedom from tyranny.

    There are a lot of extremists, radicals, and fanatics all over this world and people who want to seek freedom in this country should understand that innocent and well meaning people can achieve this through patience and understanding on their part. If America and other countries need to tighten up this process, it should be understood that it is not a reflection on race, creed, color, religion or national origin.

    The world and humanity itself needs to stop terrorism, oppression and hate crimes.


    If you like what i have written 911 ode to the disaster,see what i have written about FLIGHT 93.

    FLIGHT 93, A HEROIC TRAGEDY ....Taken from my FOR WHAT IT,S VERSE collection of poetry.

    Go to: Facebook .com/Fishermansplugs Santavicca