Artists Registry
Denver CO United States
Artist's Statement
The events of 9/11 struck me deeply. On that day of Colorado blue sky, the stillness in the air seemed incongruent to the event occurring in New York. The urge to put these feelings to paper was overwhelming, and my emotions spilled out onto the piece you read today titled: "The Rain."
Written on September 11, 2001, I will never forget the pain and sadness we all felt as a nation, which brought us together as a people. The helplessness and anger at what we were witnessing had to be expressed, somehow. This poem is my attempt.
Other works of poetry are submitted as a tribute to the patriotic spirit that lives inside each of us. In my words, I hope you find meaning.
I am an observer of people. Watching and listening to how we interact with each other has always held a fascination for me.
I was raised in Kentucky, earning a BA Degree in Art, but now reside in Colorado. Both states hold special meaning for me, and the many experiences I've had are ones I draw on for writing. Before my new profession as an author and blogger, I taught briefly but spent most of my years as a data analyst (data scientist). Analyzing data is akin to studying people and their motives, I suppose, so it was an easy transition to move to authorship.
Writing is a passion I’ve had since putting pencil to paper in my diary at eleven years of age. However, life has had different plans, and as I’ve grown older and experienced much, I hope I’ve learned a thing or two.
Being a creative person, I continuously write, so doing a personal blog gives me an outlet when not working on my latest manuscript or writing music lyrics. I love history and have written a historical fiction novel awaiting publishing. I have had a poem published, and my personal blog gives me an outlet to showcase some of my other works, of which "The Rain" is one, along with other works of patriotic spirit and courage.