Artists Registry

Allen Hirsch

New York NY United States

    Statement of Work

    I painted a series of pictures from the 9/11 disaster from life (beginning that very day) as a personal catharsis as well as for historical purposes to give a painter's perspective of the event. While thousands of photographs have captured every angle through the camera lens, I have seen no painted images on site that give the direct human eye and hand connection that this medium offers like no other.

    The string painting, Deposition is a proposal for a memorial installation with various images of the event translated into this technique that coincidentally resembles the ribbed pattern on the World Trade Center towers.

    This new technique of painting ties together many of my interests over the past 20 years. The paintings on string show the transitory nature of the perceived image and the intervals between the strings give a sense of the ‘blackness behind all things.’ One looks at and through the image at the same time. The forms and colors are distilled into thin lines and the light from these strips then emanates laterally into the space between them. The thin lines of color achieve new additive color mixtures and a compelling visual space is achieved through the viewer changing focal points from the strings to the image within.

    According to physicists and mystics, matter is composed of small particles and is actually mostly empty space. These paintings, in a sense, mirror this idea. The image hardly exists at all, except in the mind.



    1959 Born in Los Angeles.

    1977-85 National Portrait Gallery exhibits first self-portrait in young
    talent exhibition. Art studies in New York and London. Ford Foundation Grant. Study at Camberwell in London. Syracuse University B.F A. Begin painting and drawing over a thousand self-portraits in different emotional states. TIME magazine cover portrait commissions. First show (with Picasso late works) at Sindin Gallery(New York). Skowhegan School scholarship.

    1985-93 Masters of Art study at Rosary College in Florence. Begin to paint portrait commissions and self-portraits, exploring the brain's projection on the right and left sides of the face. Began painting with left and right hands to express "the duality of the psyche." TIME magazine publishes self-portrait on the cover. Illustration awards and exhibit at the Society of Illustrators. Allan Stone Gallery exhibits monumental heads. Begin to paint only with the palette knife. TIME publishes Gaddafi, Khomeni, Gandhi and Camarena cover portraits. Work goes into the Smithsonian Institution, Indiana University Museum, and several major corporate collections.

    1993-96 Paint the Inaugural portrait of William Jefferson Clinton in encaustic for the National Portrait Gallery. Press includes Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Associated Press and TODAY show. Subsequent White House invitation and presentation of portrait to the President. Public commission of Luciano Pavarotti. Begin focusing on tunnel-like city and landscape painting. Open HP gallery in Soho.

    1996-97 Win Hitchcock Award for Landscape from the National Academy of Design and exhibit in the National Academy Museum in New York. Begin painting in cube like manner "to submerge the image." Exhibits at Ron Hall Gallery, Dallas; St. Bonaventure and Fairfield University art museums. Clinton portrait hangs in the White House.

    1998-99 Retrospective at the Quick Art Museum in New York State. Mosaic and family portrait commissions. Profile in LEADERS, TIME OUT magazine. Portraits and Paintings gallery opens in new Soho location. Figure painting exhibited in the National Academy Museum. Nominated for museum award by the American Institute of Arts and Letters. NYC Downtown Arts Festival. "New Cubism" style fully developed. Exhibit at Louis Stern Fine Arts(Los Angeles), Portraits and Paintings and ICE Collection(New York)

    2000-01 Work in Venezuela. Develop "string paintings". Exhibit at Portraits and Paintings, Monique Goldstrom, Allan Stone galleries in New York; Indiana University Art Museum, and American Art in Carmel, CA. Paint WTC Ground Zero Series. Press includes Reuters, AP, Fox News, and MSNBC. Inclusion in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World.

    2002-3 Finish book, "A Life in Pictures.", WTC Memorial Proposal. Chair, Art/Business/New Initiave of the AASC, for the downtown Manhattan rebuilding process. Script and feature film project on artist's life story, by Lauren Williams, in development. One man show at Monique Goldstrom, New York and exhibit at American Art, Carmel.

    2004-5 Real Estate Development. Purchase Manhattan retail stores and Catskill Mountain Resort. Painting explores the picture plane between the eye and brain and studies the pathways of light that comprise vision.