Artists Registry

Howard Comen

charleston SC United States


    Howard Comen:
    He has been licensed by SLED since 1973 and holds license number 30. He has lived in Charleston, SC since 1972, and has had various investigations in all 50 states and countries all over the world. He has been involved in the activities of Presidents, Writers, Actors, News Anchors, Law Enforcement Directors, Interstate catastrophes, and various other well-known projects, groups, and individuals.

    Howard has investigations featured by:

    Geraldo Rivera
    Bill O'Reilly
    The New York Times
    London Sunday Mail
    Toronto Globe and Mail
    Washington Post
    Pittsburgh Tribune
    Miami Herald
    Buffalo News
    and other media outlets.

    Comen started and has been adding to a global network of 600 investigators all over the world, including the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and every level of federal, military, and international law enforcement.