Artists Registry

Sandra Priest

St. James City FL United States

    Statement of Work

    This is a series of only 17 blocks from the concrete slurry wall, that surrounded Ground Zero, being transformed and created into historical pieces of artwork sculptures called Project 911UP.
    Parts of that wall had to be removed in 2008 and 09, to make way for one of the new subway PATH station hubs. After over 100 pieces had been removed and taken to recycling plants to be ground up, it was determined that some should be saved for an artist to sculpt. Sandra Priest has been given the honorable opportunity to be the only artist to sculpt those 17, 16,000 lb.cut out sections. San has already placed a few permanently in the US and is currently working on others at her St. James City, FL art Studio in Florida. Contact San if you might be interested in having one of these placed in your city. San designs each one and will personalize them for your own needs. Whether it would be a war memorial, a 9/11 memorial or other related purposes, San is here to help. 239-269-5733


    I have been a professional artist since 1996. I studied under Lilliana Dordevich, PhD Professor of the arts, in Melbourne, FL and Art History at Edison College in Fort Myers, FL.

    My artist background has taken me to many creations in both residential and commercial art, specializing in ceiling and wall murals and paintings on canvas.

    Some of my most favorite commercial paintings are, 2 realistic 12' x 18' underwater scenes, in the Charlotte County Events and Conference Center Auditorium in Punta Gorda, and one of the Naples, FL library branches. I was also the single artist who created a 1600 sq.ft. ceiling mural with 24K gold leaf and semi-precious stone inlay for The Hindu Temple of Southwest Florida, taking a year to accomplish.

    Each year I choose to give several charitable art pieces for children's centers, cancer research and animal rescue.

    I am now in charge of Project 911up, to create sculptures to commemorate 9/11. These new sculptures bring us out of our sadness and into the light of a positive message of hope and rebuilding of our Nation.

    Named Project 11up, is the creation of sculptures made out of parts of the concrete slurry wall that surrounded Ground Zero. Parts of that slurry wall had to be removed to bring in the new PATH subway station and after recycling over one hundred 8 ton pieces, some were saved for an Artist to work on them. 17 of those blocks were saved and Sandra Priest was the only artist chosen for this large, historical undertaking. These sculptures are being placed around the country for all to experience a new message of positive energy. I know from traveling all over the US that most Americans feel a sense of separation from the tragedies. This project is bringing the sculptures closer in proximity to most people to be able to drive to one and touch and pay their respects. It is a sense of healing and moving forward that we all need. We know most people will not be able to drive to NYC, PA or the DC memorials.

    The first sculpture in the Project 911up Series is entitled: VICTORII REBUILD and is located IN BETHLEHEM, PA THROUGH A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT AND REQUEST FROM MAYOR JOHN CALLAHAN AND SAN. You may view this sculpture at 10 E. Church Street, Bethlehem, PA. The second sculpture is already Permanently placed at the Fort Douglas National Military Museum in Salt Lake City, Utah, Called UT6 & ALL as the Utah Fallen Warriors Memorial, dedicated on October 21, 3013 by Governor Herbert in a grand ceremony. The third in this series is called Echo11. It is known as the most significant sculpture of the series, is the only piece we saved that has one of the anchor/tieback metal pieces embedded in it. The only other place you may view an anchor/tieback in the concrete is downstairs in the 9/11 Museum, as the wall is exposed to the general public to see as soon as they walk down the stairs. You can contact San directly at: 239-269-5733 email: If you are interested in having any of the other blocks created for your city, please contact us also. San is working on an additional 3 sculptures right now which means 6 of the 17 blocks will soon be created and only a few left. There will be no other blocks coming up and out of the ground for the slurry wall is not accessible any longer due to all the new buildings going up.