Artists Registry

Darlene Hinton

Middletown NY United States

    Statement of Work

    Introduction for C.D.- We Are American's

    One week before Christmas, I received a phone call that Keith, a family
    member and a graduate of the West Point Military Academy 2001, received his orders to go to Afghanistan. When I went to bed that night, everything I had seen and heard since the 911 attacks, were released in my brain. During my sleep, something was coming to me so fast and furious that I had to fight to get myself awake. When I finally woke up, as I sat at the dining room table at 5 o'clock in the morning, I realized it was a prayer for our country. It was 3 pages long. I only changed 2 words "in" and "the". The rest of it was exactly the way it came to me. "We Are American's", a poem/prayer was born. Servicemen and 1st responders told me it said everything they were thinking and feeling and couldn't put into words. The White House and Leaders of our Country have it. The Pentagon was also sent a copy.
    We needed to get this to the people in our country. The way to do that was to put it on a C.D.. My partner, 5-time Grammy Award Winner, Len Filipowski and I went into the recording studio with professional singers and a band of the highest quality musicians and recorded it. The Poem/prayer is recited by me, the author and I'm accompanied with background music by my partner, Len Filipowski. We debuted the song at the Thomas Bull Memorial Park, 2002 Star Spangled Spectacular for the 4th of July with over 40,000 people in attendance. We opened the Patriotic segment of the show at 6:00 pm. It lasted until midnight.
    As I was exposed to 1st responders and servicemen, I was looking from the inside out, not the outside in. That's how a "Hero's Tribute" was born.

    Introduction to a "Hero's Tribute"

    The poetry written in this collection, comes from the heart. My family is made up of almost every type of First Responder there is. What I write about, hopefully will let you see through my eyes and heart, how selfless, brave and special our First Responders are. This is meant to honor the firefighters, policemen, paramedics, doctors and nurses. Also, Ground Zero workers, Hazmat, F.E.M.A., the F.B.I. and C.I.A.. For those lost in all the terrorist attacks and their families. For F.E.M.A.'s beautiful rescue dogs. The precious children of those who perished. To the Salvation Army and the Red Cross. For those who worked constantly to prepare and serve the food and gave comfort. For the Hospital Ship in the Harbor. For all donations of every kind.

    Thank you to our brave servicemen and women. You make us so proud. You are always in our prayers. Thank you to Former Mayor Giuliani and President and Mrs. George W. Bush.

    God be with all of you and God Bless America.

    A "Hero's Tribute"

    1. We Are American's
    2. The Day the Towers Came Down
    3. Flight 93 - Let's Roll
    4. Another Plane is Down
    5. They're Man's Best Friend
    6. The Children of September 11th
    7. Silent Hero
    8. I'm A Fireman's Daughter
    9. When Hazmat is Called
    10. Once He's Sworn In
    11. Former Mayor Giuliani
    12. Thank You God
    13. A Candlelight Service for 911
    14. The Faces of the Family
    15. Dear Mr. President

    Please keep this prayer in your heart forever.
    God Bless America.

    The 10th anniversary of the 911 attacks 2001 will be coming soon. I have added to my collection two poems to honor this event.

    16. The 10th Anniversary of September 11, 2001
    17. The Fallen Hero's

    You will live in our hearts and in our memories in the 911 museum for eternity.


    Credits and Special Thanks

    Executive Producers
    Jack E. Hinton
    Darlene A. Hinton
    Len X. Filipowski
    Jeanette Hinton
    Debbie Majors
    Michael (Bosco) Faison
    Will Floyd
    Trumpet 1 & 2 - Eric Parks
    Trombone 1 & 2 - Jack Davis
    Electric Guitar - Steven Burg & Russ Spiegel
    Piano, Electric Organ, Strings, & Sound - Len X. Filipowski
    Bass Guitar - Max Maxfield
    Tamborine - Bruce Neeley and Steven Burg
    Drums - Dennis Coyman

    Darlene A. Hinton
    Len X. Filipowski
    Douglas Richard
    Sound Engineer
    Steven Burg
    Recorded and Mastered at Ins and Outs Recording Studio
    Manufactured and Printed by Disc Makers

    I would like to give a very special thank you to my husband, Jack E. Hinton. He believed in me so much, he took us in to the recording studio.

    I want to give thanks and sincere gratitude to the following people:

    To Jimmy Sturr for his advice.

    To my partner Len X. Filipowski (the music genius)for writing the music.

    To Douglas Richard our music arranger. When I told him I wanted it to be a patriotic song, he made it happen.

    To my very special personal assistants who went beyond the call of duty. You were there for me every step of the way with 100% dedication. They are: Jeanette A. Hinton, Terry Cudney, Tamilyn Clark, Barbara McGlade, John Kelleher, Abbie Benedict and Beverly Hicks.

    To JAM Music Productions (Dan & Jeanette Hinton), Carl Lacrosia, Carla Monico, Patrick Dunn, Ralph Atkins, Michael (Bosco) Faison & Bruce Neeley for our live performances.

    You knew this was for your country. Your hearts and souls were in every note. I love all of you. It was an honor and a privilege to give something back to our country. After all, WE ARE AMERICANS and that's what we do.

    In loving memory of James R. Austin.